Chapter 5 In Dangerous Waters

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One thing you had to admit was that Volterra was breathtaking.

For a girl that the farthest she had gone in her life was Seattle, suddenly finding yourself in a completely different and magnificent country was the least an overwhelmingly amazing experience. As the medieval structured town was resting lazily on the small cliff that towered above the road in which you were driving, you couldn't help but lean yourself towards the car window, your gaze burning on the breathtaking scenery that unraveled around you, filling your heart with a strong thrill that made it pound loudly.

To begin with, Italy was the exact opposite from Forks.

The strong sunlight that was cascading the clear blue sky, was filling the whole place up with a mercilessly strong light, which gave off a warm wave that you could feel even inside the air-conditioned car, emitting heat like no other. The most dominant colors all around you were not the luxurious green and almost liquid grey, but instead, the harsh brown and the silvery green. One gaze at the soil was enough to understand that these grounds were not moist; they were hard and unyielding, seemingly impossible to hold any form of flora on them, as if all attempts to cultivate these grounds would only be in vain. Yet, before your amazed (e/c) eyes, expanded endless fields filled with almost ancient olive trees, their silver-green leaves waving at the faint breeze that filtered among them nonchalantly, allowing it to be cleansed and ready to race against the vast valleys, bringing the only form of fresh and cold air on the people that inhabited this place. Yes, no matter how alien and unwelcoming these grounds looked, they had been tamed, producing –as it appeared- both virgin olive oil and wine as well, since the olive trees where accompanied by fields filled with deep purple and light green grapes. In contrast to the almost romantic beauty of the scenery in Forks, Italy had a raw and stern beauty and yet it was a breathtaking place, with extremely vivid colors. This was definitely not the place where earth would give you its most precious nutrients without a fight; no, you had to fight to get them, since the only chance you had, was your two, hard-working, own hands.

As you entered the medieval town, you were taken aback by the tall buildings, all in the color of faint or vivid tile red, towering above the small roads that barely enabled one car to pass at a time. People were coming and going, all of them having a completely different beauty from what you were used to see back in America, with their sunburned skin and the big smiles that never seemed to leave their faces, as if the sun was not shining on the sky, but inside their full of life eyes. The people that inhabited this place were exactly like the scenery around them: loud and full of life. Everywhere around you, you could see beautiful flowers decorating the windows of the houses and in some cases even the walls, with the deep green ivy gracing the whole place by producing vivid fuchsia flowers.

The liveliness of this place was infectious and you allowed yourself a small smile. But there was no time to waste anymore.

Because as you rushed inside the small town, trying to get as close to Edward as you could, passing fast among the sea of people that were wearing red capes, celebrating –as Alice said- the release from the vampire threat, time was surely against you. You had admired Alice's skills in grand theft auto of a yellow Porsche and driving fast without running over someone, but even than seemed not to be enough. Your heart was pounding loudly inside your chest and you could only imagine how Bella must be feeling, as when a policeman pulled you to the side, she practically jumped off the car and started racing towards the direction that Alice pointed her to. But that didn't mean that you and Alice would go anywhere with the car.

'We must follow her, things will get ugly if we leave them alone.' Alice informs you, turning her head away from the strong sunlight and completely ignoring the policeman, who was yelling something in Italian.

'We shall save the day again huh? I wouldn't stay here even if you told me so Alice. We have to move fast.' Grabbing her by her gloved hand, you start to make way among the huge crowd of people, pushing them away with your free hand and leading the two of you towards the clock tower in a bee-line.

The huge crowd of people seemed as if they were moving towards it as well, making it harder to rush there in time. Every so often, you would turn and gaze back at Alice, who seemed to have trouble avoiding the sun and following you at the same time, so your hand around hers was pretty much her life-vest to both sanity and avoidance into revealing what she really was. Behind the black lenses of her glasses, you could clearly see her eyes unfocused and turning at every possible corner, as the visions must have been eating her mind away, possibilities of the future that seemed grim, since her beautiful lips had half opened and the elfish vampire-girl was frowning. So it was pretty much up to you to guide both of you and keep her calm, even if your own heart was ready to stop inside your chest, as adrenaline was poisoning your every fiber. The situation was grim and you knew it; you were a human who was about to walk inside a lair full of vampires. Nothing good would come of this.

'Alice, talk to me. What are you seeing?' you yell at her, as you push a couple aside and pass among them.

'She managed to stop him. They are inside the building, but two of the Volturi guards are with them.' She says, as you find yourself in a long-awaited opening. In the middle of it, was an astonishing, marble fountain with clear water coming out of the hands of the goddess that graced the center. Gazing up, you immediately spot the clock. You had finally arrived. Right across from where the two of you were standing, there was a simple wooden door. This was it.

'It's okay Alice, I think we found them.' You say, but before you manage to take another step, an iron vine grabs you hard by your hand and yanks you towards it, so turning, you see Alice holding on to you for dear life, her hands flying on your shoulders and grabbing you so hard, that you flinch in pain.

'What the hell Alice?'

'_____, you have to listen to me very carefully.' She ignores your question and tightens her grip even more 'We are about to walk inside the home of the most vicious vampires that rule the earth. They are not like our family; they feed in human blood and stop at nothing to do so. Do you understand that?'

'Yeah, I know where I got myself into Alice.' You try to pacify her and free yourself, but it's like trying to push a concrete wall.

In your words, she nods desperately, her white skin illuminated for a few seconds by the sun 'What you don't know though, is that they are collectors. They search everywhere so they can find the rarest of powers among both mortals and immortals, in order to take them. Whatever you do, absolutely do not show them your powers under any circumstances. We won't be able to help you if you do, you'll be on your own. Do you understand me?'

'I do. No powers.' You nod seriously, the seriousness of the situation playing inside your mind.

'Good. And don't leave my side.' She advises, finally releasing you and making her way towards the door. You follow her obediently, your face falling in a serious expression, as Alice grabs the handle and tries to open the huge wooden door.

Of course, luck wouldn't favorite you with an unlocked door, so when it doesn't budge, Alice punches it hard. The metallic sound breaking through the wood fills your ears, as the door open and both of you make your way inside the dark interior.

'C'mon guys.' Alice cheerful voice breathes out as she takes her sunglasses off 'It's a festival; you wouldn't like to make a scene.'

As your eyes adjust to the sudden shadows, you see the four figures standing not so far from you, with you immediately recognizing the bronze colored hair and pale white skin of Edward, as his shoulders had leaned slightly in the front, clearly on a faint attack mode, with a distressed Bella standing right behind him and closer to you and Alice. Her eyes were filled with a silent horror to the lurking danger, but the way she was leaning towards her boyfriend, filled your heart with relief, since it was obvious that she had already started to heal. The moment these words formed inside your head, you saw Edward straighten himself a little bit and his head turning, as he pinned his sorrowful black eyes to you, making you highly conscious about your thoughts; you were sure that he had just read that last part about Bella straight from your mind and you couldn't help but feel sad about it. Thinking that you were sorry, you see his gaze soften and his lips twitching for a few seconds, as if he was desperately trying to reassure you with a faint smile. Alice was already by his side, so you walked beside Bella and took your bestie's hand in yours, ready to defend her with everything you had.

'Well Edward, you know that the party won't start till me and Alice walk in.' you offer him a bright smile and a wink, as you turn your gaze towards the two guards that were standing a few meters away, their postures seemingly relaxed, but you knew better than this.

'Another human, Edward?' your gaze immediately turns towards the sound of a gruff and breathy voice, only to see......Mount Everest in a vampire shape.

This time, you are aware of Edward smiling and trying not to laugh, but you are completely amazed to turn to him. The vampire that had just spoken was so tall and buff, that you were amazed he could find clothes on his size. He was reallytall, towering many inches above your head –and everyone else's for all that that matters- and obviously reaching at the height of 6' 7' feet, making him the tallest man you had ever seen in your life. His body was really muscular and thick, especially around the shoulders, with his skin having the same chalky paleness as the rest of the vampires that you had seen and eyes in the rich shade of burgundy red, revealing his appetite on humans. Other than that, he had dark brown hair which was short and cropped carefully. His whole aura was hulking and menacing, reminding you of an iron-spiked cudgel.

He was wearing a long dark grey coat, while he was holding on a red cape, his eyes nailed on you, in a manner that you did not like at all.

'At least the second one is more... pleasant to the eyes, Felix.' The other one says.

But as you turn towards the second one, earth is lost under your feet.

The male vampire that was standing on your left, only two or three steps away from you and standing next to his comrade was by far, the most beautiful vampire you had seen in your entire life, so much, that for a few milliseconds, for just a few heartbeats, you were under the strong impression that you were looking upon a dream that had come to life. Air was knocked out of your lungs and your lips parted, as you inhaled sharply, your heartbeat turning into one continuous hum and your eyes widening, since your brain refused to take in such beauty at first. This one was completely different from his comrade, being lean but fairly muscular nonetheless, still being rather tall by standing at the proud height of 6' 3' even if he appeared thinner and shorter at first as he stood beside the vampire Hercules.

He had short, frosted sand-brown hair that was partially spiked, reminding you of the rich but dark golden color that the sand possessed at the late summer days, matching it with the usual extremely pale skin in the shade of snow. His facial features were a bit sharp and beautiful at the same time, consisting of a fairly strong jawline, thin lips and piercing red eyes, a shade darker than the usual burgundy color, seemingly having a depth that added allure inside his gaze. Suddenly, you found yourself drawn to him, something that was both unexpected as well as unsettling; making your brain command you to look away from his hypnotic stare that continued to be nailed on your (e/c) orbs. He appeared to be roughly around 24 years of age, though you knew that this was highly unlikely to be true, yet his whole posture was sharp and careful like the blade of a sword that was ready to strike at any given moment. He was wearing a dark grey coat as well and was smiling carefully, with his voice sounding low, raspy and if you were allowed to say, smokey, sounding like a deep bell sound.

He was so breathtakingly handsome, it was insane.

Yet, in the next second, you command your brain to focus and you grace him with an ironic smile.

'I see that you liked what you saw Voltur-doggie.' You smile even more 'I'm sorry, but Bella and I have to see the festival outside, so you and vamp-Hercules can go back to your masters.'

'I am afraid we cannot allow that.' this time his smile is wide, but his eyes dangerous.

'The girls will be left out of this Demetri. So they will go outside.' Edward threatens.

'You should have thought more carefully about their involvement before you brought them here Edward. Now they will have to come with us.' The man-mountain named Felix barks, his patience obviously running thin.

'Says who exactly?' you bite out, your eyes narrowing at both of the guards.

The man named Demetri chuckles a bit 'As you, yourself, human, would probably say: our dog master.' He says, playing along with your previous insult, obviously finding it amusing. You do notice that his eyes never stray from you though, something that makes anger bubble up inside your heart.

'I would advise you to be careful. I was raised by a pack of wolves, so I bite pretty hard. Me and Bella will be leaving, so if you don't like it, deal with it.' You throw at him angrily.

'You are not going anywhere.' He repeats.

'Why is it such a big deal for them to not go outside? They are not going to start a ruckus.' Alice tries to pacify the heat among all of you, smiling kindly to the two Volturi.

'They are aware of our existence, so they are dangerous. The Volturi will decide what their fates will be.' Felix says sternly.

'Go to hell.' Edward barks, raising his hand to protect both the love of his life and you.

'Enough.' A voice reverberated from behind all of you, bouncing off the walls and sounding as sharp as a needle.

Averting your careful gaze unwillingly from Demetri and Felix, your eyes fall upon a strange girl that is walking to your direction, the heels of her shoes sounding again and again as they come in contact with the marble-paved floor. The newcomer girl was almost as tiny as Alice, with lank, pale blonde hair tied in a careful bun. Her body under the cloak —which this time was darker, almost black— was slim and androgynous and could be easily mistaken to belong to a preteen boy. But the face was too pretty for a boy. The wide-eyed, full-lipped face that was graced by two red moons, was so beautiful, that even Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty could not rival it at all. Her voice might have sounded like a child's, high and thin, but it was filled with an air of apathy or boredom, yet maintaining a heavily authoritative tone. In her presence, you didn't fail to notice that Demetri and Felix shifted a little bit.

'Jane.' Edward murmured and slightly bowed his head.

'Aro send me to see what was taking you so long.' She simply announced when she finally came to a stop, only to turn and start walking back once again.

Puzzled, you turn towards Alice for an answer, who only nods to you a bit, her eyes filled with worry and anxiousness, immediately sending you the message that something was not going well. Thus, when you see Edward taking Bella's hand and start walking behind the blonde girl, you knew what had gone so wrong that made Alice pass her hand on your elbow and start leading you behind them.

They were taking you to their masters.

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