Chapter 19 Heart Lying Still

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Warning: possible triggering scene up ahead. You have been warned.

Honestly speaking, you never believed you would actually make it out of Voltera, let alone reach Rome.

Always being around vampires made you realize it was utterly impossible to escape them in any way, but here you were, playing against the odds once again as if they were your own playthings. You had jumped out of a window, ran through the town, stole clothes and a motorbike and you managed to escape. Freedom was literally grasping you into its liberating embrace and it was the most intoxicating of things.

Alice had stayed true to her promise and the moment you arrived at Rome's airport, two escorts were already waiting for you, one with your papers and one with a whole new pair of clothes as well as a blonde/black wig. The small vampire had carefully instructed you to change your appearance and your clothes frequently, since it was the only way to stall them from picking up your scent from miles away. It wouldn't last for long, but you could surely buy some time like that. You quickly got dressed and boarded the plane, finding your seat in First Class, away from any preying eyes. It was the first time you would be traveling completely on your own and if you considered the fact you were being hunted down, no one would really blame you for always looking over your shoulder and out the window. It earned you a lot of questioning gazes from the other passengers, but truthfully, they weren't the ones being hunted by the best tracker to ever walk planet earth.

Among the huge crowds surrounding the airport, you were sure that you were about to see a familiar pair or purple eyes –red eyes covered by blue lenses- at any given time, but by the time the sun went down and the plane decided to take off, there was not a single indication of a pursuing Volturi. Only when the airplane wheels abandoned the steady ground underneath them did you really feel you were safe for the time being; if there was one thing vampires couldn't do, was fly in the air completely on their own. So, you allowed your heart to relax even for the very few hours of the flight. The kind flight attendants offered you a full meal and a really nice piece of cake, which you gobbled down like a true wolf; it was the first time in probably a week that you managed to keep the food down inside your stomach without Gianna's dying face popping up to reverse the procedure and you were literally famished. Plus, you needed the strength if you wanted to keep on going.

This night, there were no nightmares to plague your dreams. Only calm images of a smiling Embry waiting for you back at home. It was relaxing, calming and utterly filling you with hope; if only you could make it back, then everything would be alright once again.

Once the plane landed in Athens, one of the first things you noticed was how crowded the whole place was. People were going up and down non-stop in a sea of different faces, some happy and others serious, as they prepared to travel towards their destinations or meet with their families. Calling Alice to make sure which steps you should take next, you followed her advice and boarded a bus that went straight to Thessaloniki, where you would board another plane that would take you to Beijing. It saddened you a little bit when Alice told you the Volturi would be expecting you to come back to Forks, so they had made arrangements for you to hide in friggin China. Inside the large sea of million people, not even Demetri would discover you. Yes, it was the logical thing to do. Yes, you needed to think about the fact of placing everyone in danger if you returned. But no, it didn't pain you less. You longed to see your father, you longed to see Embry. To hug the two men. To be around them once again. But the logical and calm side of your brain already knew this was not going to happen.

Twilight Saga: Caged Butterfly (Demetri Volturi X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα