Katherine took a deep breath.

“She just had two babies, Michael.”

“Having babies doesn’t stop someone from having sex. I mean you had nine-”

“Okay but there were definitely times where I didn’t want to be intimate with your father. Y’all are very much spaced apart, Michael.” Katherine explained.

“Okay but having kids didn’t make you get Joseph’s hopes up and then stop.”

“What are you talking about? There were plenty of times where I got his hopes up and didn’t go through for whatever reason. I do that now. And I’m sure she has her reasons.” Katherine went on.

“I really didn’t need to know that.” Michael replied, slightly disgusted.

“Well, you asked. I mean, I don’t think she’s bold enough to step out on you. I do think her momma is crazy and her brother burned that house down-”

“Well we don’t know yet. He’s not even indicted.” Michael explained.

“He’s on the run, Michael. He probably somewhere in Cuba by now tryna escape the government.”

Good point.

“Okay but there’s no way to be sure right now is all I’m saying. Let’s give him a chance to explain himself first.” He suggested.

Katherine gave her son the ‘you’re so innocently dumb’ smile.

“Okay baby. That still doesn’t take away from the fact that her mother is absentee. I mean, where has she even been? How do you just up and leave your child on her birthday without any sort of explanation or call back or anything? That woman is suspect, I don’t care how much you think they’re reformed.”

Michael took a deep breath. It’s not like he disagreed with her. He hadn’t seen or heard from Pat in months at this point, and though he wasn’t too worried about her, he did find it odd that she basically disappeared and no one had anything to say for it.

“Well, I’m going to book my flight. And make sure Vicki gets here by tomorrow.”

“Okay baby. But remember what I said about going to see that girl. Don’t go accusing her of nothing.” Katherine warned.

MIchael turned to walk out of the room.

“Alright, Mother.” He responded, sarcastically.

“Michael I’m serious.” Katherine shouted, watching him walk away.

“I know!”

May 21st, 1998

Michael arrived in New York early that morning and was just getting to the condo. Wearing a white t-shirt, black leather jacket, mirrored aviators, black skinny jeans, and black boots, he approached the door, keys in hand.

He opened the door, his eyes sweeping the room. Immediately noticing balled up pieces of paper everywhere, he bent down and picked one up. On the piece of crumpled paper, there was only one verse to a song titled Crybaby. There were several lines scratched out, written over, or whited out. Michael shook his head and continued towards the back of the condo.


Michael peeked into the bedroom and saw Mariah sitting on the floor, her back to the door. He gently knocked on the door as he stepped inside.


She jumped up and faced him, eyes bucking out of her head. “What are you doing here?”

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