Kill or Be Killed

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"Come right here, Cosmo!" Pan screamed.
"If I could fight them I wouldn't run away." She screamed desperately.
"What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Telling me to kill innocent people just cause I fear them."
"Well, there must be a reason why you fear them right?"
"Right, but this isn't right."
"Well, you are trapped in this dimension if you don't do something about them."


"What are you two doing? You thought they'd wait for you until you  finished your talks? Stupid imbeciles."
"Who is that, Pan?"
"How am I suppose to know, I don't know anyone who calls me an imbecile, but he's pretty rad, that I must admit. Why can't you be cool like him, Cosmo?" He looked at her with a smirk on his face.
"Listen up, you two good for nothings. You kill or be killed alright? Hey mask face, haven't you told this to her yet?"
"I did, guess she forgot. She dumb*whispering*"
"Hey, I heard that!"
"First off, I am, Tanaki. Second, there is an army of people rushing over to kill you and me right now, so you better get your ass together or rot here, got it?"
"How can you be so normal after you killed so many people?" She screamed.
"Look, is this world normal to you? No, right? These aren't people. They are just monsters transformed into your greatest fears. The voices inside your head that haunt you, remember?"
"Huh, they aren't people?" She looked confused.
"Duh... Look at their bodies after I shot them. They turned to ashes. No blood, no corpse, no nothing. So are you ready to kill your fears?"
"Yeah, but hey! How do you know they are my fears and not somebody's?"
"Do you see any somebody here? No. I do know for sure though that I'm not scared of people so it's got to be yours."
"Chit chats time's over now grab your gun and pull the trigger if you don't know how to use it."


"Not bad for a girl who almost got herself killed a couple of minutes ago."
"You're welcome." With a lame reaction on her face.
"Down, Pan. Move it!"
She moved ahead and pushed Pan away. Kneel down and moved her shoulder seven inches away to dodged Tanaki's bullet and then pulled her trigger.
Rolled over to the right and grabbed Pan and-
"Stay low, Pan."
She rushes over to Tanaki.
"Alright, let's do it like before."
"You're not so bad. Alright, I'm going to hear about how you can shoot like that later but for now, on the count of three, ready?"
"You bet I am." She smiled.
"Three, two and One."
BANG!         BANG!
Tanaki's bullet was straight towards Cosmo and Cosmo shot hers towards Tanaki. As soon as both of them shot, within a fraction of seconds they sat down on the floor, smiled at each other then rolled over the ground without letting go of the trigger.
"I preferred a zombie apocalypse but fake humans aren't so bad either huh?" Cosmo grinned in all her glory.
"First win eh?" Tanaki asked.
"Yeah, not yours?"
"This is my third realm now."
"What? Third? You survived two battles so far?"
"Not survived, battled and won miss."
"HEY!HEY! Are you two nuts? You are just children, babies in fact and how can you shoot like psychopaths?"
"Oh, aren't you a demon, Pan? What were you doing getting in my way and putting both of us in danger? Don't you have powers or magic in you?"
"And Cosmo, you! You are a girl, you said you've never held a gun in your life and you can shoot like that?"
"Games, Pan. Games."
"Games teach you that? Aren't you just using a controller to shoot and kill while gaming?"
"That my friend is an offense. We gamers have to go through years of practice and have a lot of patience to master any game." Tanaki said.
"You game too?" Cosmo questioned loudly enough with an overjoyed face.
"Yes, of course. Left for dead 2, helped me here, that urge and desire to kill. What about you, Cosmo?"
"Well, I played, Over Watch, a lot just to kill time but over the years I've become pretty good at it."
"I played that game religiously too. Explains our solid teamwork during the battle, however you're quite fast. Your speed is amazing!"
"I got the inspiration from playing,  Doom 2, thought of - what if I try to imagine to shoot in the way you do at the game? And surprisingly, it worked. After all it's a world made up of fantasies and imaginations!" She laughed.
"What are you two talking about? Don't leave me hanging here!" Pan shouted.
"Shut up. We talking valuable shit here. Anyway-"
"All THANKS AND PRAISES TO FPS GAMES!" Tanaki and Cosmo shouted with pride on their faces.
"Both of you done partying? Hurry up, we got to get going now." Pan looked at them.
"Yeah, let's go." Replied Tanaki.
"Hey, by the way Tanaki, don't you have your fragment too? Like Pan?" Cosmo asked.

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