A Warm Welcome

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Hello! I am now going to introduce myself because this is a new book! I am DuskyKat preferably just Dusky.

Formally known as wolfy101999, thegreatgadsby, _Dusky_.

I am typically an upbeat and happy person on Wattpad. Usually forgetting about my real life and just having something else to do.

I am also known for my rants and sometimes narrating and really bad accents if you actually chat with me.

Chatpad is a Discord server I run where I meet new people, talk to them through chat, or even the voice chat often.

I live for roleplaying! But I also love working with my group accounts CatsofScience and OurCrazyPack ! Writing is the main thing that goes on there.

Even with those two accounts I love writing and drawing even though I may not been very good at either. My grammar is way off but I try.

I am currently as of 10/14/16 am 14 years old and in the 8th grade. Texas will forever be my home no matter what others tell me.

In the real world I am a swimmer and play the Bass Clarinet in my band. I have a lot of fun doing both of those things.

Practices for my swim team follow this schedule.
Monday-Friday : 6:30-7:30
Saturday : 10:00-11:30
Sunday : Nothing

I consider myself a rebel with my phone at school because I sneak on it a lot during the day. The first bell rings at 8:23 and the last bell rings at 3:30.

Now don't get the wrong idea about me, I am not all sunshine and rainbows or a toy to push around. I get triggered like every other person. One big thing I HATE is when people butt into roleplays, but I have a rant book for that. But other things people say or do can trigger me as well.

When I'm upset I'll probably argue to my full extent then leave and come back a lot calmer and be a bit more calm.

I always love making new friends (most of the time) and typically won't make people regret it, unless I get triggered of course.

Anyway that's me! Make sure to add this to your library if you want to catch up with my life!

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