As I Lay Dying

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Salvatore house

Sophia's POV

I woke up later in the morning after what happen last night and finding out about Damon. I was on my way to the living room to see Damon taking off his ring and stepping into sun that was coming though the window, I use my vampire speed and rushed at him to move him out of the way.

"Get off of me."

"You're not doing this."

" Just did. You know what happened to Rose, Sophia."

"I don't care. You're not dying today."

"What's the plan, Superman?"

"I'm gonna find a way out of this."

"Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one."

" I got Bonnie looking for something, anything."

"Always the hero, Sophia. Just tell me good-bye, get it over with."

"Lie still. Conserve your strength." I said and locked him in the basement so that he could not get out.


Third Person's POV

Mystic Grill

Alaric is at the bar. He takes a bottle of alcohol from a waitress. She tries to take it back, but he won't let her. He is already intoxicated. He walks away from the bar. His phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan

"Sorry, you've reached somebody who's currently not operating."

"I need your help."

"Well, you must have me confused with somebody else. You see, I'm not allowed to help, just idly sit by while my girlfriend gets sacrificed on an altar of blood."

" Damon's dying."


"Tyler Lockwood bit him. We don't have much time."

" What do you need?"


Sophia's POV

Abandoned house

Me and Bonnie was at the abandoned house hoping that the witches will be able to help us find the cure for Damon. "I'm not sure this is going to work." Bonnie says as she was setting up all the candles and the things that she needs.

"You've done a séance before, right? Contacted Emily Bennett. Maybe one of the witches might know how to help Damon." I said to her, this was our only chance and I can lost Damon or anyone else.

"Let's just hope they want to." Bonnie starts the cast a spell, Some voices are whispering around them "Bonnie? Bonnie?" I said getting worried. Her eyes then open and look at me.

"Why have you come here, Sophia?" Bonnie said, then I knew that Emily was in Bonnie.

"I need your help. I need to know if there's a spell that can heal a werewolf bite."

" No. Nature ensures a balance to everything."

"Is that true... or are you just saying no because it's Damon?"

"Perhaps it is his time to die."

"No. That's not balance. That's punishment."

"I will not give you what you want."

"So you're saying that there's an answer to give? Please, if you know something, just tell me. Help me save my brother." I said but then Bonnie screams and falls on the floor. I run over to her.

Sophia Rebecca Salvatore - The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now