Chapter 41

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Heyy peopleezzzz!  Wassup?  Here's the authors for this week- finley777, and GlitchMob!


"Now."  He hissed, trailing the blade slowly along my jawline.  "I want you to tell me everything you know about the whereabouts of a man named Mr. Bozzie.  Or, as you know him as, the Boss."


I looked at the guy in pure shock.  All I can say is, I did not see that one coming.  I looked at him questioningly, wondering how many times his mama had dropped him on his head.

"Huh?"  I finally managed to squeak.  Did I not mention that the knife was still pressed against my neck.  He didn't seem to like my response, because he dug it a little deeper into my skin, and I gasped.

"I said, where is the Boss?!"  He snarled, getting up in my face.  I gulped nervously, wondering how to break the news to him.

"Well, right now he's living six feet under the ground.  You know, got to love the scenery down there."  I joked.  I had no idea how I could be sarcastic with a knife pressed into my neck.  He looked like he wanted to punch me right now.

"How dare you lie to me?"  He bellowed into my ear.  Was this guy for real?  You can't ask me the location of a dead guy!

"Wait a second."  I whispered, scrunching my eyes up as if I was in deep thought.  "It's coming back to me now.  He's in a white room..."  The man's eyes were lighting up in excitement.  He beckoned the blonde lady over, and she started to write quickly on a notepad.

"It's surrounded by pillows.  And there's people with white coats all around him.  They can help you!"  I chuckled at my own joke.  He finally seemed to be loosening up, too, because he took the knife away from my throat.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.  My neck felt so much better without that sharp knife digging into it.....

Before I had time to comprehend what was happening, he took the knife and sliced my arm.  I looked down in shock at the drops of blood that ran down the large gash he'd created.  My eyes flooded with tears, and no matter how hard I tried, a few slid down my cheeks.  Great, now I looked like a huge crybaby. 

The cut went from just below my elbow to right above my hand, and it was pretty deep, too.  I looked up at him, all traces of joking gone from my eyes. 

"I am not here to play, Nikki, and I am sick of your childish games.  You can choose to cooperate, and if you don't, we do have a mind reader working for us..."

The first thought that popped into my head was that Rose was here, too.  My heart leaped at the thought of not being alone in this horrible place anymore.  The next words he said, however, completely crushed that dream.

"But I don't think you want to go that far.  You see, Xavier can only read the minds of those who are about to die."  He smirked as he saw my expression, which I'm guessing was caked in fear.  "I don't think that's necessary."  I assured him quickly.

"Good.  Now let me ask this.  One. More. Time.  Where is the Boss?"  His eyes were hard as rock, and I felt my knees tremble.  I felt like I was about to pee in my pants, and I really hope I didn't, because how embarissing would that have been?

My bottom lip was trembling.  "I promise you, I really don't know!  You have to believe me!  I- I-"  I held out my pinkie to him.  "I pinkie swear!"

He looked like he was about to tear his hair out.  He breathed in deeply, and then faced the blonde woman.  "We will come back later, because I'm worried if I spend any more time around her, I might stab her, and we'll lose any chance of killing the Boss."

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