Chapter 38

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Wassup my faaaaaaaaaaans! It's been so long since I uploaded :p I'm SO sorry!  Please forgive me??*puppy dog face".  So, I know I said I'd try to be better about uploading before, but I really am workin on it!  Please don't stop reading because of the crappy uploading!

VOOOOOOOOTE and COMMMMENT!! I love votes/comments so freaking much!  And you guys have been ripping me off, 2,238 people read my last chappie, but only 75 votes and 43 comments :.(  I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL, so anyways, here's the chapter....


Two guards came into view, joking like they didn't care what was about to happen to us.  They stopped in front of our cell, and unlocked the door.

"Come on."  The guard commanded.


I stood there, not sure of what I was going to do, while both guards waited impatiently.  Once we were out of the cell, I was pretty sure we were going to be separated, and I had a feeling this might be the last time I ever saw Tanner.

There was so much I wanted to ask him, so much I wanted to say, yet I just stood there, unable to form words.

"Yo miss, I ain't gettin' any younger over here."  One of the guards snapped.  I looked desperately at Tanner, knowing that my opportunity to question him was slipping through my fingers like sand.  He was looking at me, like he was about to tell me something.  His mouth opened, and-

"MOVE!"  The same guard that had spoken up before bellowed.  I jumped about three feet in the air I was so startled, and by the time I had composed myself Tanner was already being led away by the other guard.

My head hung low, I trudged along, not even caring where he was taking me.  For some reason, I felt like some part of my heart had broken as Tanner had walked away, no matter how cheesy it sounds.

I felt the guard next to me stop, and I realized we had entered a room.  It was very plain looking, with beige walls, musty old carpet, and a large desk in the middle with a bench positioned next to it.  Mrs. Middlebrooks was sitting in the desk, and she beckoned for me to come closer.

I gasped as I saw her up close.  She looked like a mess, with dark bags under her eyes, her hair wild and not brushed, and a tired expression on her face that made her seem thirty years older.  Her once perfect makeup was now sloppy and clumpy.

I sat down at the chair by the desk, and resisted the urge to scrunch my face in disgust at the smell.  Clearing my throat, I asked in the most polite voice I could manage, "Um, Mrs. Middlebrooks, how long has it been since you've taken a shower exactly?"

She frowned, as if she were trying to remember.  Finally, she gave up and said, "It's been a while I guess, but I just haven't had the time, with so much going on right now, taking showers isn't exactly the top of my priorities."

I looked at her sad face and felt a pang of sympathy.  I knew that she had been very close the the Boss, and his death had crushed her.  Looking in to her eyes, I said softly, "I know it's been hard lately, but we're all going to stick together.  You're not alone."

Something inside of her seemed to snap as I said that, and she burst into tears.  I couldn't help but be shocked.  She was usually so professional and strict.  One week ago, if someone had told me that I'd be sitting handcuffed by a desk where Mrs. Middlebrooks was bawling her eyes out, I'd tell them to take a trip to see the special people.

"I-I'm sorry you ha- have to see me like this dear, but it's just been really hard.  The whole ordeal with you and the Chanels isn't really he-"

She was cut off from her sobbing by the sound of the door banging open loudly.  Mr. Chanel stood in doorway, his chest puffed out proudly.  "Are you ready to discuss the punishment of Ms. Star?"  He asked in a stiff voice.

Clearing her throat and quickly wiping away at her tears, Mrs. Middlebrooks nodded.  Mr. Chanel walked in, followed by Tess and Mrs. Chanel, who both had their noses stuck in the air.  I internally patted myself on the back when I saw that Tess's nose was wrapped in bandages.

Mr. Chanel stormed over and flicked me in the back of the head.  "Ouch!  What the crap?!?"  I cried, feeling the spot he flicked.  "My poor daughter is injured, can you not see that?  Be a lady for once in your rotten life and give her your chair!  Sit on the floor, that's where low lives like you belong."  He sneered. 

Outraged, I jumped to my feet.  "You wanna go, old man?  I already broke your daughter's nose, this'll be the first time I rearranged two snob's faces in one week!"

Mr. Chanel looked angrier than I'd seen him in my whole life.  He raised his fist, and I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the pain to come, but it never did.

"ENOUGH!"  Hollered Mrs. Middlebrooks in rage.  I thought Mr. Chanel was mad, but right now he looked like a sweet little kitten compared to her.  The two guards from before came in and stood behind Mr. Chanel, daring him to try anything.

"Sir, were you just about to hit this young lady?"  Mrs. Middlebooks asked in horror.  Mr. Chanel was fuming in anger, and he started shouting so loud I almost had to cover my ears.

"THIS IS NOT A YOUNG LADY, THIS IS A DISGUSTING LITTLE RAT!  And yes, I was going to hit her, I'm planning on teaching that little punk a lesson!  She almost MURDERED my daughter-"  I rolled my eyes at this part.  A broken nose is hardly murder.

"-and to top it all off, she had the nerve to THREATEN me!!  Do you KNOW who I AM!?!?!?!"  He was getting so worked up that I was wondering if he was going to have a heart attack.  As he yelled, there was literally gobs of spit flying if every direction.

"That is no excuse, sir."  Replied Mrs. Middlebrooks, with a deadly venom in her voice.  "What you were about to do is considered child abuse, and I could have you arrested for it.

Mr. Chanel looked a little nervous, but scoffed anyways.  "Right.  Lady, I have some of the best lawyers in the country, in the WORLD even.  I can do whatever I want, and you can't stop me."

Mrs. Middlebrooks opened her mouth to answer, but we all stopped as we heard the door swing open.  A secretary from the office hurried in, her face calm but her eyes panicked.

She whispered something in Mrs. Middlebrooks' ear, and the color left the principal's face.  Fighting to keep her voice level, she told Mr. Chanel, "This is over.  What Nikki did is not that bad, and I think spending time in a jail cell is punishment enough.  You are excused."

Mr. Chanel looked like he was going to spaz out.  "This is not over, you will hear from my lawyers!"  He promised, before leaving the room, his wife and daughter following close behind.

Mrs. Middlebrooks hurried away with the secretary, and I was the only one left in the room, but I just sat there, frozen.

That secretary had thought she had been quiet, but in her haste she had whispered a bit too loud, and I had heard every word.

"Tanner got away, and both of the guards are knocked out.  He's gone now, and so is the Trevor kid."

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