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It's crazy to think that we were just days away from our wedding and it makes me realize just how much time truly has gone by since we met. 7 years of talking through letters and text messages before meeting in person two years ago. We've had our ups and downs from me almost losing my life and with her finding her son. We've over came all the challenges that the world had put in front of us and between us that I honestly don't know what my life would be without her in my life.

Yeah she's gone through a lot of changes over the course of our relationship but that doesn't make me love her any less than what I already do. Amira is the most beautiful and most genuine person I have ever met and I don't know how I got lucky with her. She's stepped in for Rikkie as Sofia's mother and has raised her with me to the best of her ability and has loved and cared for her without being asked. I would have still love her bad she still been Zain but it was her choice to change and I support her because that's what she wanted and it's makes her happy. A relationship is made up of trust, love and support from each other if you don't have those, then you're not in the relationship you want.

Look what happened with me and Rikkie. She didn't support my choice of going back to Iraq and filed for divorce while Amira was always there waiting, telling me that she loved me and was waiting back home for me to return even if it was for a short time. We made our relationship work through understanding and love something I didn't have with Rikkie.

"Daddy" shaking my head to clear my mind I looked down at Sofia who was looking up at me with wide eyes

"What is it princess?" I asked and she bit her lip looking to the hall before looking back at me

"What in the-Sofia!" I looked up at the sound of Amira's voice and saw her standing in the kitchen entrance with a shocked expression and was confused and looked down at Sofia who -I just realized was covered in marker-has a sheepish look on her face

"Sofia Elena Davidson what have you done?" I asked while she giggled

"Nothing daddy" she replied and I raised a brow knowing she was lying

"Luca hav-Sofia why are the kitchen walls and table covered in marker?" Amira asked with her hands on her hips

"I color mommy" she replied as if it wasn't a big deal but she knew she shouldn't be doing that

"What have I told you about coloring the walls, Sofia?" Amira quizzed crossing her arms with a raised brow

"Not to do it" Sofia answered with pout

"And what did you do?" I asked now making Sofia turn around and pout

"Colored the walls" she mumbled

"And you know the consequences of not listening right?" Amira asked and she nodded

"Grounded" Sofia muttered and Amira sighed

"Go clean the walls and then go to your room to get ready we're going to go to your grandparents house soon" she said and Sofia nodded before doing as told.

"She knows it's wrong to do that yet she still does it. It's the fifth time this week that she's done something she's not supposed to" Amira murmured and I nodded because it was true. Two days ago Sofia had thrown all of her and her brothers's clothes out the window and into the pool and just yesterday she had made a mess in her bathroom with the bathtub over filled with water that it nearly flooded the house. She's never misbehaved before and it was starting to worry us that something is going on with her to make her act that way.

"We'll figure it out soon" I murmured as both Sofia and Chris walked into the living room fully dressed for the rehearsal dinner.

"I'm going to get ready and then get Leo from the nursery" Amira said before walking away  it not before giving Sofia and Chris a kiss on the head.

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