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"Davidson" I looked up when my name was called before standing up and walking to the Sargent

"Yes sir?" I asked and he gave me an envelope and I smiled thanking him before going to my bunker and sitting down. I ripped the envelope open and I couldn't contain the smile that covered my face as I read the words

Dearest Luca,

Can you believe that it's been 4 months since we got together and nearly 7 years since we began talking? It's unreal to think that we've known each other for 7 years and we just met not long ago.  You're the best thing to ever happen to me you know that? There are days where I think that you will forget about me and you will move on. Do you remember our talk a week before you were deployed? The one about what our lives are going to be like in 10 years? Damn, I miss you and our late night talks about random shit.

I smiled and I could picture her with tears in her eyes as she write the letter, there were even a few tear drops on the page but I was glad that the words didn't get smudged. I thought back to the day at her parents' house and we were lying on the grass staring up at the stars and just talking about random things that pop up into our minds


"Do you ever wonder what life will be from today?" Zain asked as we laid under the stars in the backyard of her house

"What do you mean?" I asked turning to her and she hummed with a smile

"I mean where do you see yourself in ten years" She replied and I shrugged

"To be honest,I don't know. I guess married, still in the marines and with a family" I replied looking up at the sky and she hummed

"What about you Zain?" I asked turning to her and he grinned turning to face me

"Married, with a big family and still modeling and dancing" she answered making me nod


After that we would just lay there and laugh at stupid jokes that we each would come up with before it was time for me to go home. I had moved out of my sister's house and into the small house that Zain told me about even though I only lived in it for a short amount of time, I made it feel like home and I can see myself going back there when I go on leave again. Shaking my head, I looked back to the letter and continued reading what he wrote.

You make me feel beautiful. Do you know that no one has ever made me feel as special as you do? You make me a different person, someone that I wish I was a long time ago, when all I knew was to fight and kill. You never once feared me even though you knew that I could easily kill you without a thought and make it seem like accident. Don't worry though, I care about you to much to hurt you that way and I would do anything to make sure that you were okay but for now I just hope that you are safe and aren't going on suicide missions. Just thinking about you hurt makes my heart ache. I still can't get the memory of you lying in that hospital bed clinging to life after those men shot you. I still cry just thinking of it. I'm stupid I know. I miss you so so much Luca you have no idea. It's been 4 months since you've left and it hurts more and more every day.

You made me believe in love at first sight, well love at first read and now I have a reason to love; you have given me reason to live – your heart has shown me the reason for my purpose here. It is to have a fulfilling life with the one I was created to be with. And now I have a cause, a reason to believe in the beauty of life. You took my heart and drew me into the love that we share, and you saw in me all the qualities that no one else had ever seen or believed to be.

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