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I got a call from Luca this morning telling me to go over to his house since he had something to show me and also had some news to tell me. I was confused but nonetheless I got dressed in a cute spaghetti flower dress with a short sleeve denim jacket over it,  peach platform heals that matched with my purse and earings while I put gold wrist bands. I decided to put my long hair up in a messy pony tail with a few strands down around my face.

"Where are you going?" Adam asked as he leaned against my door frame and I rolled my eyes

"Why do you care?" I asked

"Because I'm curious" he stated

"Right" I deadpanned making him roll his eyes

"Let me guess, you're going to Luca's" he said

"If you knew why ask" I replied making him shrug

"Is he taking you out or something?" he quizzed

"Mind your own business, Adam" Zander hissed pulling him out of my room making me smile. I love my brothers don't get me wrong but I sometimes wish that I could leave but because of the attack a few months ago at Zach's game, Ashton has been very keen on having the single kids live here at the best while the married or in a relationship kids lived in the houses near the nest. It was frustrating. Sighing, I grabbed my purse from my bed and walked out of the room and headed downstairs

"Where are you going?" Ashton asked with a raised brow and arms crossed making me huff

"To Luca's house. He said he had something to tell me" I said and he narrowed his eyes

"And he couldn't come here?" he questioned making me roll my eyes

"Does it really matter?" I replied and he sighed

"I just want to make sure that you and the rest are safe" he said and I nodded

"I know but I promise that I'm just going to his place and if we do go out, I'll  call or text to let you all know" I said and he nodded. Until the bastard gets caught, we were walking on egg shells and Ashton hated that. He wanted to get Luke and make him pay for what he had done to me.

I didn't tell you what he did, did I? Well you see, about 3 years ago, Luke and I were really good. Like we were already planning on moving in together and we even got engaged. I was so blinded by the love I had for him that I didn't see that he was just using me to get information on my family, specially Ashton since he became the leader of the Ravance after Papa and Mama stepped down from being the Boss and Donna. Anyway, one day, out of the blue, Luke began acting strange, always getting drunk and there were instances where he didn't come home for days and I was worried.

From then on, our relationship began deteriorating to the point where I didn't even want him to touch me anymore because everything he did disgusted me, I didn't know why, but I just didn't feel a connection with him anymore. A couple days later my family gone to visit and Ashton wasn't happy. I didn't know well not until they showed me a video that showed Luke going to Ashton's building and breaking in to steal billions of dollars worth of merchandise such as computers, lumber and even guns and drugs that had been hidden in the many levels of the building. I was shocked and confused as to why he would do such a thing but then he had left a video message telling my brother that he was done and that the jaguars will rule the underground business. That was the day that made my decision in leaving him much easier.

I had waited for him to come home but he never did so I left a note telling him that our relationship was over and that I never wanted to see him and to never look for me that he will regret ever messing with the Ravance group. It was probably three months after I left him that I ran into Luke at a party hosted by a mutual friend.

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