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"When are you coming back?" I asked as I sat with Luca at the airport and he sighed

"I don't know. It could be months up to at least a year" he replied making my heart sink. We ha ended the trip to the Zoo an hour ago and we took Sofia back home where Luca told her and Rikkie the bad news and it was hard watching the little girl cry and cling to her father begging him to not go but Luca just told her that she needed to be strong and that he loved her and that he will be back home again. Rikkie had taken the news not as hard as their daughter and scoffed at him making Luca look at her in confusion

"You were literally here for three days and barely spent time with her and instead you were with him the whole damn time. She's your daughter Luca and he's nothing to you" she yelled pointing a finger in my direction making me look away as I wasn't part of this.

"I'll go wait for you in the car" I said but he only shook his head

"I was here for a week Rikkie so don't tell me that I never spent time with Sofia because I did. If you haven't noticed I was also in the hospital after getting shot by a robber where I had taken Sofia to after we played at the park. Zain is not nobody. He's my boyfriend and if you don't like that I don't give a damn, he's part of my life as much as you are because we have a daughter together but aside from that you are nothing to me but the mother of my child" he had said and his ex only fummed more at that and gave me a once over before laughing throwing her head back

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" she said cackling and Sofia gasped

"You said a bad word mommy" she exclaimed

"Not now Sofia, go to your room" she replied to her daughter's claim and couldn't help but chuckle at that. They still did the swear jar to this day. I remember coming up with that when I was around her age and every time I heard someone say a bad word I would exclaim 'go put a dollar in the swear jar'

"I should get going" Luca said breaking me out of my thoughts and I nodded biting my bottom lip as we got out of the car and he walked to the back to get his bags

"I'm going to miss you" I murmured as we stood by the car and he smiled cupping my cheek

"I'm going to miss you too" he murmured leaning down and kissing my forehead. We walked through the gates and we stood by with the rest of the marines and their family as they said their farewells. I had tears in my eyes as we said bye one last time.

(Luca and Zain)

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched him make his way toward the plane and I called his name making him stop and turn towards me and I ran to him and jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist

"I wish you didn't have to go" I whimpered and he hugged me tighter whispering that he'll back and that he loves me and that he'll write as soon as he can

"I love you so much" I whispered

"I love you too, beautiful" he murmured kissing my temple before setting me on my feet. Cupping my cheeks in his hands he leaned down and kissed me one last time before running to the plane as his commander yelled his name. He waved as he got in the plane and I wave back before falling to the ground and breaking down. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me a second later making me cry and cling to them

"He's gone daddy" I cried and he just held me tighter

"He's going to be back sweetheart" he murmured as he held me and I sniffled and clung to him as the plane began to run down the runway and the other families just waves some cried, I don't know how they do it.

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