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My world was turned upside done when I found out that my leg had been amputated because of the blast. I had cried and screamed and cursed. I had waited for everyone to leave including Zain before I broke down. I didn't think that my career as a Marine would end three weeks ago. That's all it took. 3 weeks for me to get a call from my commander and he told me that I was medically discharged due to my injury. I've been a marine for 13 years and having been told that I was discharged fucking kills. I was discharged from the hospital 1 week later after my arrival. I had been in a medically induced coma in order for my body to get used to the trauma I had sustained from the explosion.

"You'll be okay, Luca" Zain had said and I was so tired of hearing the same four words that I snapped. I never in my life ever thought I'd raise my voice at her. The look on her face destroyed me. She was hurt, and that was something I don't want to cause him.

"I-I'm sorry" she murmured before rushing out of the room leaving me behind to look after her retreating form.

"Fuck" I had cursed burning my head in my hands

"She was only trying to make things easy for you and that's how you repay her, you're a fucking douche" I looked up to see Ashton leaning against the doorframe of my room with his tattooed covered arms crossed over his chest and a glare on his face

"Maybe she should leave me alone then. I'm useless" I muttered and tisked walking in and closing the door behind him and I frowned

"Do you really think that because you lost a limb that you are a nobody? I've seen people who have lost their eyesight, legs, arms and fuck even their hearing but they don't let that get to them. They live life to the best they can and you know why? Because they have someone who loves them enough to look through those imperfections. They see the person that they are on the inside and that's exactly what my sister sees in you" he said as he glared at me with so much conviction that I looked away

"She should be with someone who isn't me" I murmured and he slammed his hand in the nightstand making me turn to him and he was fuming

"You're right" he said making me look up at him

"She deserves the best that the world can give him. He deserves to be with someone who doesn't let his imperfections get in the way of them being happy. But you know what?" He said and I swallowed shaking my head

"She chose you. She loves you like no other and the fact that you're pushing her away hurts her and it also hurts you when she's upset. I've seen people who have also been in your position and with the help of those who love them they get through it and are happy but you, you let it get in the way and think that it will only embarrass Zain but she loves you and she doesn't care how you look as long as you are alive she's happy. You have no idea how much she cried at nights when you were over seas." He sneered down at me and I swallowed the knot in my throat and looked away

"She rereads every letter you wrote to her including the one that you wrote the day you went on that suicide mission. She loves you enough to actually miss her dance rehearsals and photo shoots just to be here with you. If you keep pushing her away, you will lose her and she will find someone else who will love and cherish her." He finished and I clenched my jaw looking down, I hate the thought of Zain being with someone else but that's what I want for him isn't it? I want him to be happy with someone who can give him the moon and the stars unlike me who relies on the help of others or a wheel chair to move around.

"She cares deeply about you Luca and I want nothing but the best for her and I'm not saying it because she's my little sister but because she's a incredible person with a heart of gold. Don't push away the only person who loves you unconditionally" he added before walking out

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