9: Meeting the Autobots

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"Shit shit shit shit" I chanted as I tried to escape my dad. He was trying to catch me because I may or may not of dyed all his white tank tops pink... not on purpose...

"Rhaella! You get here right now!" He demanded

"Who is this Rhaella you speak of?!" I replied as I skidded under one of the autobots alt modes, probably Ironhides. I only really know Jazz and Ironhide, Jazz kept coming back to see the dragons and hang out with Ironhide. They got used to him after he dodged them twenty or something times.

I met Dino and Sideswipe two days ago, I intruded on their training whilst running from Jazz and finding my dad. Jazz is probably my best friend, not that I have anything against giant alien robots with technology to make it look like their human- but because I don't really socialise with people and even before I didn't really have friends, just me and Daenerys, as I refused to see Viserys as a brother.

I'm supposed to be meeting the rest of the autobots right now... but as you can see I have my hands full.

I vaulted over Jazz alt-mode thinking I got away until I felt strong arms tug at my waist, yanking me back into someone's chest. I looked up and saw that idiotic grin and stupid fucking visor...

"JAZZ YOU ASS! LET ME GO!" I elbowed his shoulder blade, but to no avail, I just hung loosely in his arms, pouting as I saw an out of breath Colonel.

"Jazzzzz let me go! He's gonna kill me!" I begged, he chuckled and smirked.

"I would of let you continue but you kind of ran 56 times the same route around base and your dad is out of breath. I think you should sit down or somet" I looked at him confused, I wasn't out of breath or anything.

"But I'm not tired? I think you over exaggerate the number there pal" I responded, eyebrow raised as he frowned slightly before pulling me tighter to him, my back against his chest as he rested his chin on my head. I blew the hair out of my face and waited for my dad to come.

I looked around and saw I was in the autobot hanger once more, and besides me was an out of breath Colonel

"Daughter 1 Dad 0" I said triumphantly; he smiled at me and ruffled my hair as Jazz let go.

"Damn that girl has stamina!" I heard sideswipe yell as he entered on his skates, Dino in tow. As he nodded at us both.

There was a lime green Hummer rescue vehicle, a blue and red semi. A red and a green chevy modelled cars, three motorcycles. Some blue model car; as I said this, an old looking autobot entered and introduced himself as Que before leaving; something about new cannons for Ironhide.

I looked at Jazz questionably but he just shook his head as he lent against his alt-mode.

The semi started transforming and so did the others.

"I am Optimus Prime, leader of the autobots; and who might you be?" His baritone voice, calm and collected. But DAMN he was tall. Illusion probably went up to his shoulder if she stood on her back legs.

"My daughter Rhaella" My dad answered for me.

The Hummer being the curious fuck he is.

"I thought you had only a sparkling" he asked.

"I'm adopted, my dad was murdered for being crazy, my mom died after giving birth to me; all my older siblings are dead apparently par my sister, for she is missing" I told them, no emotion on my face. Well I wasn't exactly lying.

"My apologies" the Hummer apologized.

I waved him off as the introductions continued

"You already know my second in command Jazz and my weapons specialist Ironhide" I looked at Jazz with my eyebrow raised; he was so carefree, I was totally kicking his ass in sparing later.

"I also know Sideswipe and Dino if that helps" I added, he nodded with a small smile as he once again... continued.

"My medic Ratchet-" he nodded to me "-the Arcee triplets-" all three transformed and waved to me in sync; creepy but okay"- and the twins mudflaps and skidds; currently my scout is with his charge, but shall be returning later"  I waved at them and they waved back and went straight to bickering at who I waved at, I rolled my eyes and walked over to my dad; he had stopped panting.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I actually have to pack; I'm leaving in an hour" he nodded and I pulled Jazz with me to help. On the way I heard someone shouting and it sounded a lot like fire.

I did the logical thing and ran straight for it, leaving Jazz.

I ran into the room to see something of Ques shooting fire, I saw a soldier who was going to get hit, and pushed them out the way as the fire engulfed me.

*3rd POV*

All eyes and optics landed on where the fire had just been put out, Soldiers looked wide eyed at the scene as Ironhide huffed.

He walked towards the smoke.

"Stupid Femme; how many times must I tell you not to run into the flames" he demanded.

"Y'know if you weren't such a stuck up ass we would be great friends" the voice startled all as the girl walked from the fire, unscathed and fully clothed

"Plus, I'm pretty sure I fireproofed all my clothes as well! I mean look at me, Bad ass silver haired teen walks out of explosion!"

Rhaella Targaryen  (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now