5: 5 years later

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*All dragons are about the same size as Rhaegal and Viserion in season 5, Illusion a little bigger*

*Rhaellas POV*

It's been five years since I last saw my Sister, Sarah has been teaching me all of the modern ways of life and even taught me a few different languages. Will knows about my dragons and welcomed me into his family, they kind of adopted me, I'm Rhaella Lennox, my dark purple eyes are still the same, but my hair has grown a little longer.

Will once invited his army friend Epps over, Zephyr was playing with me at the time; she was the size of a small horse, and of course he caught sight of her, being a blue dragon is hard not to miss.

All three of them behave, Illusion always having to correct the other two of they misbehave, but other than that they're fine. They reside in a nearby forest that leads to a beach Cove.  They often sleep in the caves down there and hunt for fish.

They come when called, it's like a telepathic connection I have with them. They're old and big enough for me to ride, which I do daily; tricks included. Sometimes though I'll come back to the house covered in twigs or dirt because of playing with them.

A few months ago Sarah gave birth to a baby girl, Àsteri absolutely adores her and often lays by Sarah if she's outside with her. They're just like big cats, they purr and everything!

I'm 18 now, and 5"7 I have a curvy athletic body, I do have muscles, but they don't bulge out to make it look disgusting; I took to more exercising so I could be more acrobatic when riding my dragons. Will and Epps taught me how to shoot guns and hand to hand combat, my stamina and agility have greatly improved in the last five years, Epps even taught me some mechanics, but only a little; I can hack thanks to Will, and I can play instruments! Sarah taught me how to play the piano, Epps the guitar and I self taught myself the violin; it's kinda tricky but I'm okay with it.

Sarah even says I have a beautiful singing voice!

They would send me to school, but they decided to home school me for more than one reason.

Uno. Dragons
Dos. Dragons
Tres. Dragons
Cuatro. I have no idea what to do at a school.
Cinco. I don't really socialise with other people.

And so here I am, sat with Illusions head on my lap whilst Zephyr and Àsteri play in the salty water of the beach.

It's quite relaxing with them. The soft hums and purrs of a dragon are like a lullaby, so I'm often out for the night because I'll accidently fall asleep with one of them, but they always keep me warm, covering me with their wings and keeping me close with their tails. They're so cuddly!

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