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"Danny?" Questioned the youngest Targaryen, eager to see her elder sibling before their brother intruded; she was about to bathe before her eyes lit up at her sister. Arms immediately enclosed Rhaella as she snuggled into the warmth of her elder sibling, she was in fact only a year younger than Daenerys but acted more like a child, often being scolded by her brother for it.

Daenerys enjoyed the time spent with her sister and would almost never leave her side. But now there was to be a wedding; she was more anxious than ever, what would happen to her dear sister?

All thoughts were interrupted as the eldest sibling threw the doors open, an evil spark in his indigo irises nothing like the violet of Daenerys and certainly nothing like the royal purple of the youngest. His hair was also duller; whereas the sisters were as white and pure as snow. Something he envied them for.

Rhaella was ushered to the maids as they took her to another part of the room to avoid anything that Viserys might do. Daenerys wanting to keep her safe. Maids held their petite hands over Rhaellas ears and kept her eyes closed to avoid overhearing the conversation. Yet she was simply confused, she let them do as they wished as she knew they were only trying to protect her.

After Viserys had left, Daenerys walked into the scaling hot tub of water in which she invited Rhaella to join her which she said yes to; as this was a normal task to happen. Mainly to keep an eye on Rhaella. But she said yes to splash her sister. The heat did not bother her, it welcomed her, enveloping her into a securing hug. Which she fondly appreciated. She often spent hour with Daenerys looking into the flame of torches or holding fire.

She held the fire as if it was innocent. Not a weapon that could kill many, but as a friend; she would be so delicate when handling fire, not wanting it to extinguish. Not wanting to harm it; it was her only friend. Second to her sister of course.

Rhaella Targaryen  (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora