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The next day was filled with the same boring classes that (name) always attended "(name) did you get the notes?" Yuma whispered from above (name)'s seat "let me guess: you need the notes?" She asked and Yuma nods his head violently "mhm mhm!" She sighed and told him that she'd help him later.

(Name)'s mind thought back to the Barians in Barian World, this always happened. When she's bored she think about the Barian World. Why? Did shr miss it? Schemes and all, no she didn't miss it, she was a part of it and she knew it, Vector only wanted her to be his spy; but at the same time (name) knew he cared about you. That's what made her have mixed feelings when she first left her brother of a Barian.

Astral couldn't put his finger on it but (name) seemed......lonely, like a child missing his mother on his first day of school. It seemed kind of. Kind of um.......... what was the word???? OH! Cute! (Name) seemed kind of cute to the floating being but he didn't why, it confused Astral quite a bit so he planned to ask Yuma later tonight. Astral looked her way seeing how you took notes but she didn't pay attention to the class, she looked out of the window from time to time making him think that she were looking for something outside; Astral looked put the window but just saw the city.

After school (name) walked with Yuma to his house "you gotta help me with the homework!!" Yuma shouted "ok, only if you answer some questions I have later" Yuma agreed to (name)'s conditions as she helped him with his homework that he didn't understand. "AH THIS IS TO HARD!" Yuma shouted "really? Because I'm done" (name) said smirking in a teasing way. Yuma began to think so hard that (name) saw smoke come out of his ears "hey Astral, you might wanna help Yuma right now" (name) stated as she looked towards the floating being. Astral nods and goes to calm Yuma down "Yuma calm down, you have (name) to help you and if you don't understand it then ask for her to explain it" Smoke still flew out of Yuma's ears and (name) began to panic "uh-um-uhhhh-ummmm OH!" An idea came to (name)'s head.

She went to grab the materials needed and she soon came back with the items consisting: water, dirt, and a straw. First (name) place the dirt and water into a cup mixing it up with the straw "here Yuma! Some chocolate shake" she gave Yuma the cup as he chugged down the muddy substance as he immediately spat it out "WHAT WAS THAT?!" He shouted running out of the room to wash his mouth from the dirt. (Name) laughed seeing his reaction "(name) why did you do that?" Astral asked "huh? Oh, well I guess it's the fact that Yuma needs something strong to get him back on his feet" (name) smiled and Astral felt his heart race.

'What is this feeling?'

Astral was confused, it was as if butterflies flew around in his stomach while his heart pounded faster as if he was running (since when does Astral run?). Yuma came back and the first thing he did was curse (name) out for making him drink mud "hahaha ok I'm sorry, not sorry" (name) giggled. Yuma tackled the teen girl and began to tickle her "AH! NO! ST-STOP YUMAHHH!!!" (Name) shrieked as the feeling Astral had, left him and was replaced with a darker feeling, a wanting feeling. Astral ignored it as he watched (name) get tickled by Yuma "A-ASTRALLL!!!! HE-ELP MEEE!!!" (Name) called out as a smile appeared on Astral's face as he stook his hand out to grab (name)'s, then something happened.
Astral held (name)'s hand. He pulled her up making both of them float "hey that's not fai- WOAH! ASTRAL CAN ACTUALLY MAKE CONTACT WITH YOU!?" (Name) and Astral were more confused then Yuma. How were they able to make physical contact? Yuma laughed while watching Astral float (name) down so she could head home "hey Astral thanks for saving me and floating is actually kind of fun. Well bye you two" (name) waved as she ran off "BYE!!!!!" Yuma shouted along with Astral's quiet "goodbye (name)".

Yyma and Astral sit and talk "um Yuma?" Astral called out to his friend "what is it Astral?" Yuma answered back wondering if his friend was alright. "I had this weird feeling today" Astral started off "when and how?" Yuma asked as he began to gather information "well it was when I saw (name) smile and laugh a while ago and my heart started to race very fast when I held (name) up as we floated" Astral explains. Yuma thinks for a minute. What was that feeling called again. Loove? Live? Lap? Lvoe? Levi?? ah! He couldn't remember "I don't know Astral, but it might be a good feeling. Come on let's get some sleep" Yuma later in his hammock and Astral went inside the key "goodnight Astral" "Goodnight Yuma. (Name)"

"Heheh! Soon my dear sister. Soon we shall be reunited!" An evil voice from another world cackled seeing his sister just fall asleep in her own home.

Well I hope you like this chapter. School is to stressful but I will soon get used to it just wait and see. Any my lovely tables have a good night/day

Unrequited love (Astral X Barian! Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα