The Legimens

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"Andee how did you know that?" Neville asked.

"Don't ask how I know just know it's the truth!" Andee said loudly.

"It's not that we don't trust you Andee –" Ginny began.

"But we need to know your source. To judge on its reliability." Terry finished for her. He sounded so reasonable but it was hard to tell. Hard to let go of the secrets she had kept so long.

"I- I'm." She stopped not able to go on.

"Does this have to do with your mam?" Seamus asked and Andee nodded.

"Right." Neville said.

"What?" Ginny demanded confused.

"Andee doesn't talk about her Mum. We thought she was an orphan until her Dad died."

"Say, who is your Dad?" Terry asked curiously.

"Sirius Black." Terry looked only mildly surprised.

"And your Mam?" Seamus asked hopefully.

"You'll find out soon enough." Andee replied and Seamus rolled his eyes.

"It's always secrets with you isn't it?"

"It's how I grew up. Here Andee have the truth, I won't lie to you but you have to keep it secret, until the right time." Andee said with a shrug.

"I think the right time is now Andee. Who's your Mum?" Neville asked firmly.

"I'll tell you who my Mum is or what my source is. It's your choice."

Seamus sighed.

"I guess we're going to ask what her source is aren't we?"

"It's what we need to know rather than what we want to know." Neville said reasonably.

"I'm not so sure. The Black family were mostly all death eaters – take Bellatrix Lestrange for example, she was a Black before she married." Terry said thoughtfully.

"You're related to Bellatrix Lestrange?" Neville asked spinning around.

"She's my second cousin, but she loves being number one so much that I made her first most hated relative. Even over Malfoy." Andee spat.

"Gross. You're related to a ferret." Seamus said with a grin.

"So what do you guys want to know?" Andee asked raising her eyebrows. No matter what they said she was not giving away two secrets in one day. The words wouldn't come out. It was too hard.

"Is you're Mum a death eater?" Ernie asked.

"Not even."

"Then I say we ask her for her source." Ernie said in a decisive tone.

"I agree. Andee what's your source?" Neville asked turning to Andee again.

"I'm a legimens."

Luna, Terry, Michael and Ginny gasped. Neville and Ernie just looked at each other and shrugged.

Andee rolled her eyes at their ignorance.

"I can read minds."

Neville and Ernie both looked as shocked as the others now.

"You – can read minds, do legimency? That is extremely scary." Neville said looking nervous.

"It's called skill." Andee said and Terry gave a nervous laugh.

"Can you read my mind?"

"Do you want me too? I haven't before." Andee replied easily.

"Guys, she's the same Andee. She wouldn't do that, not to us, but its an advantage." Neville said and that ended the matter but for several weeks the others still stepped carefully around her.

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