Soon Elizabeth

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Goblet of Fire

Elizabeth paced Dumbledore's office, waiting impatiently thoughts whirling through her mind like a vortex. Would he still love her? Would he be the same? Would she still love him? What if he didn't want to be a couple anymore? These panicked thoughts raced through her mind as she waited to be reunited with her fiancée.

Elizabeth heard the door open and swung around to face it. She faintly saw Dumbledore retreating down the stairs, but the rest of her was focused entirely on Sirius.

He looked tired, but even so was still the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was different from the posters, clean, hair neatly trimmed, clothes as immaculate as they had been when she was a teenager. But the biggest difference was his broad grin.

He too had stopped, just to look at her, but he didn't hesitate after that. He crossed the room, put his arms around her and put his lips on hers. After being apart for so long it was bliss to kiss him like this. When they were younger there had been passion, but it was nothing, nothing to the fire in Elizabeth's stomach now.

"Merlin, I missed you so much." Sirius whispered in her ear, his voice cracking.

Elizabeth shivered feeling like she was nineteen years old all over again.

"And I you."

Sirius turned her around so he could look in her eyes; she met them and saw that he had not moved on from her. Elizabeth felt her lips quirk in the first genuinely happy smile since the night her brother had died.

"I've stayed around here, to help Harry with the challenges of course, but also because I like to talk to Andee."

Elizabeth looked up at her fiancée' in disbelief.

"You've spoken to Andee?" She demanded.

"She found me, she can sense animagus – probably because I am one and all of the mind training she has." Sirius explained. "She visited me, brought food and clothes even stole me a wand."

"Isn't she wonderful?" Elizabeth asked with a smile.

"Brilliant." Sirius agreed. "And she looks so like you – I can't believe no one has figured out she and Harry are related."

"I know, but Andee is clever and very careful. Otherwise –" Elizabeth trailed off thinking fondly of her daughter.

"Otherwise they would know." Sirius finished. "Andee knows everything, I can't believe she's kept it hidden."

"She inherited my talent for mind magic." Elizabeth replied with a smile.

"You were paranoid enough to teach her all that?" Sirius demanded with an exasperated sigh.

"I am a Potter." Elizabeth said with a laugh.

Sirius looked down on her.

"Not for long… if you're still interested."

Instead of answering Elizabeth put her arms around his neck to bring his face down to hers.

"Guess." She whispered and snogged him until she physically couldn't because she needed to breathe.

They broke away gasping for air smiling at each other then Elizabeth pulled Sirius back to her and they kept snogging.

Elizabeth felt Sirius' arms circle around her waist, crushing her too him as she buried her fingers in his hair. After so long she was half terrified to let go of him, as if he might disappear and leave her alone again.

"We need to stop before Dumbledore walks into a bit of a shock." Sirius said panting.

"No kidding. I really, really hate seeing you in that much clothing when I know what's underneath."

Sirius grinned at her in the most unbelievably sexy way.

"No kidding do you have any idea how hard I am right now?"

Elizabeth choked on laughter.

"Sirius! Inappropriate much?"

Sirius grinned at her.

"I'm practicing embarrassing Harry and Andee."

Sirius smiled right into her face and leaned in to kiss her again when someone behind them cleared their throat. The pair of them jumped apart.

Elizabeth turned to see Dumbledore standing in the doorway.

"I do believe we have a decision before us."

Sirius raised his eyebrows quizzically.

"A decision sir?"

Dumbledore nodded gravely.

"The plan was, I'm sure to tell Harry of Elizabeth and his connection to her, however taking recent events into account Harry is in even more danger than ever."

Sirius frowned.

"There were reasons we kept him in the dark, but – I don't want to anymore."

Elizabeth took a shaky breath thinking of the direct mental link between herself and Harry, all the spells a relation would open up to them and most of all the protection Petunia's blood provided.

"I might add before we continue that Harry is a hopeless Occlumens, if his mind is read all will be out in the open." Dumbledore added looking grim.

"And the protection, Lily's sacrifice –" Elizabeth said trailing off.

"What about her sacrifice?" Sirius demanded looking between Elizabeth and Dumbledore.

"The sacrifice means he has enormous safety in the protection of his mother's blood. Meaning he is safer with Petunia than anywhere else and right now he needs protection."

"So he's better off in private drive?" Sirius asked sadly.

"Yes." Dumbledore answered and he didn't seem particularly happy about it himself. "I do not like the treatment he receives there and it upsets me to know I am forcing unhappiness upon him, yet at least he will be safe."

"That's the important thing." Elizabeth said quietly. "Professor how will you keep me a secret? If other members of the Order know Harry will find out and then he will not stay at Petunia's if he knows he has another aunt."

"We will have to conceal the fact you are alive, if the both of you are up to the task. So for the present we conceal Andee's existence, Elizabeth's being alive and Harry will stay with his aunt and uncle. Any objections?" Dumbledore asked summarising.

Sirius looked unhappy but shook his head.

"None for now."

Dumbledore nodded curtly at them, then smiled at them both.

"I hate to break up such a reunion but I do believe young Harry would appreciate the company of his Godfather just now."

Dumbledore left giving them another moment to talk.

"I have to go."

"I know."

Sirius leaned forward and kissed her swiftly.

"When will we next see each other?"

"I am free once I know Harry and Andee both are safely at Hogwarts, getting into their usual trouble."

Sirius laughed.

"Look at their parents, how could they help it?"

Elizabeth smiled at him.

"Go. Harry needs you more than I do just now."

Sirius strode across the room

"Soon Elizabeth."

Elizabeth jumped slightly startled. She had forgotten Sirius could practically read her mind.

"Yes Sirius."

Then he left, leaving Elizabeth more troubled than before.

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