The Potions Master

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Sorcerer's Stone 

Andee sat at the Gryffindor table covertly watching her cousin from her position beside Neville Longbottom. She liked Neville he was funny and sincere but she really did want to talk to Harry. He was her only family aside from her Mum. The boy-who-lived was talking to Ronald Weasley animatedly, Andee would like to join in she enjoyed their company – but she couldn't. No that was part of Andee's secret.

I am Andee Potter–Black. She thought to herself comfortingly And I'm a Gryffindor and my parents love me. Both of them That was all she needed too know, and only she needed to know it.

"Come on Andee! We have potions first!" Neville urged her. It was their first ever potions class and Andee was well relieved to go to the dungeons, even though they creeped Neville out. Andee's mother had told her that in all of Hogwarts there were two people she could talk to if it involved her secret. Albus Dumbledore and the potions master Severus Snape.

Andee sat down at her desk beside Neville and listened to Snape talk. He wasn't particularly nice and he seemed to hate Harry, although from what Andee could tell Harry looked exactly like his father who Snape really hated. In fact Harry looked a lot like her, only with green eyes not black and that scar and his hair was terribly messy. Oh and he was a boy.

Soon they were making a potion and Andee was surprised to be called to the front to speak to the potions master.

"Miss – uh Smith?" It seemed like a question and the Gryffindor's all gave her weird looks, none of them knew who her parents were and Andee pretended to come from an orphanage.

"Smith? Honestly does your mother have no imagination whatsoever?" Snape asked when she came to the front, voice low.

"Not really sir." Andee asked without thinking about it, it was true her mother-lacked creativity in those areas.

"I see. Well you certainly look a lot like her, which would be fine if Potter didn't look so much like his father. I suggest you avoid him like the plague – for several reasons." Snapereally didn't like Harry.

"Yes sir." Andee replied with a nod.

"I hope you will not follow in the footsteps of your pathetic father –" Snape continued and Andee felt hot anger rise to the surface.

"No, I am much more like my mother. So shut up!" Andee said and Snape's eyes glistened with anger.

"I see. Ten points from Gryffindor Miss Smith learn some respect."

"Oh bite me." Andee muttered under her breath and she could have sworn that Snape laughed slightly at that.

"Return to your potion making Miss Smith oh and keep in mind, Mr Potter isn't your only cousin here at Hogwarts." Snape said.

"Who else is?"

"Why Mr Malfoy of course."

A/N: By now this is quite an old story to me but it has been placed here on the behest of nyanyafandoms. Comments would be lovely but as this is several years old and my writing has changed a great deal critique will be greatly ignored. Not because it's not appreciated, it's just not relevant. Thank you! :)

Holding My Tongueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें