Let the Rebellion Begin

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Deathly Hallows

"Muggle's are below us, this is why they do not have magic –" Alecto Carrow was ranting. It had been two weeks now. The school whispered with rumour of rebellion but as of yet they had done nothing. All classes were held in houses, to cut down on socialising, they had discovered and now all seemed at a halt. The Carrow's had already left sprinkles of bruises cuts and scratches on almost every student.

Andee looked out at the already cloudy sky, it was as if the weather was mourning the loss of their freedom. It was September for Merlin's sake! It should be sunny and beautiful. She sighed wistfully thinking of the warm, summer days spent with Dean.

"You - Smith? Why are muggle's dangerous!" Barked Alecto. Andee looked up into Alecto's eyes and she could have sworn Alecto looked frightened for a moment. Andee had no idea how cold and foreboding she looked.

"They're not." Andee said sneering.

Alecto raised herself up in anger.

"You should be worried for your safety girl! These creatures are a menace!"

"Only to those dumb enough to be scared of what is the equivalent of a squib."

"Now you listen to me! The Carrow's are a respected family, your father –"

"I'm a pureblood."

Alecto stepped back, completely thrown.

"You're a what?"

"Pureblood. " Andee repeated rolling her eyes.

"I see." Alecto went quiet for a moment as if pondering Andee's words then resumed her lecture on muggles.

"Stupid cow." Andee said loud enough for Alecto to hear.

"…They're dirty animals –WHAT DID YOU SAY GIRL?" Alecto suddenly burst out furiously.

"I said bite me."

Alecto's eyes flashed dangerously her wand slashing through the air viciously.


The pain Andee expected didn't come, Alecto had aimed at one of the fourth years that shared the class with them. The little girl screamed as the pain seized her body and Andee unthinking leapt from her seat.

She drew her wand spells flying through her mind but before she could react something exploded behind Alecto.

"What the –?" Alecto began turning around to see Andee standing wand out.

"You little bitch –"

There was only one thing for it.


Alecto dropped to the ground.

Andee turned to face the Gryffindor sixth and seventh years.

"And so it begins."

The only person to recover their shock quickly enough was Ginny.

"Quick lets move her!"

Everyone started moving quickly fixing Alecto as if nothing had happened.

Andee and Ginny locked eyes.


"Don't worry about it. If Harry were here we'd be fighting together, as it is I'm going to fight as if he was."

Andee nodded, understanding flooded her.

"To protect him."

Ginny grinned at Andee.

Holding My Tongueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें