Preston: "You like someone."

Lachlan: "Shut up. Hey Jerome don't worry about the police. We can sort it out among ourselves."

Rob: "He hit you."

Lachlan: "I don't care.We don't need this kind of bad publicity. For either the SideMen or The Pack."

Preston: "We can't keep it silent?"

Lachlan: "It's fine. I'll go see a fucking doctor. But I need to eat first."

Harry: "Lachlan you can't stay outside. Not without people wondering what's happening to you. I'd suggest you come up with a story or something now."

Lachlan: "Already have one can we just eat please."

I let go of him and moved myself around to my seat. I watched the guys cautiously and could tell they were just as upset about this situation as I was.

Time Skip

Once we had all finished our meals we decided to split up. Harry was going to head off with Lachlan, and Preston. While Rob, Jerome, Mitch and I all walked off in our own direction.

Rob: "Hey what's going on guys it's Woofless here..."

Gabe: "What is he doing?"

Mitch: "That's a vlog Gabe."

Gabe: "Talking to a camera is a thing?"

Jerome: "Yeah that's what the other boys do as well. Though if you haven't seen it before I assume no one has pointed a camera in your face yet?"

Gabe: "I just cook food and do my own thing. If I don't need to be there. I'm generally not."

Rob: "Mitch and Jerome are over there with our friend Gabrielle. Now be nice you guys I know what your all like. He isn't seeing any of us but feel free for FanFiction. I still enjoy it."

Gabe: "He eggs them on?"

Mitch: "Well in actuality we are all ok with it. As we see it as a compliment that people would think so highly of us that we would have fictional stories written about us. It's pretty cool to be honest but in someways they can be pretty creepy I guess."

Jerome: "It would be cool if we had an actual Author write a story about us though. Could you imagine Mitch?"


Jerome: "A whole book about us. Or even the other guys."

Oh god.

Jerome: "And the SideMen as well."

Please no.

Jerome: "It would be so cool and I feel like we could help them out with it and it would be great."

Rob: "What are you on about Jerome?"

He positioned the camera and turned it around so it faced us. He was showing Jerome getting excited but he focused the gaze on me when I put my fingers to my forehead. Rubbing it gently.

Gabe: "Fuck me Jerome if you want to keep dropping some hints about me writing a book on you guys then keep on going. I swear there are so many hints being dropped I feel claustrophobic."

I heard Mitch break into laughter while Rob laughed to himself as well. I looked at the camera and then at Rob.

Gabe: "Oh bugger you guys are pg aren't you? Sorry."

Rob: "It's ok I'll bleep it out. Anyway guys we are in London getting some supplies for Minecon and I can't wait to see you guys here."

Gabe: "You guys are insane."

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