Ch.59 They Know

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Gabriella's Pov.

Ronnie picked us up at the airport on my Range Rover, we arrived at the house, and I saw a car in the drive way, it didn't look like anyone's I knew, but it might be Kendall ad Kylie's

"Who's car is that Gabby?" Jake asked.

"I don't know" I said.

We got out of the car,grabbed our luggage, and walked inside the house.

"Dad I'm home" I yelled.

"Gab, what that noise?" Dani asked.

I walked upstairs and heard moaning.

Sally's Pov.

I saw Niall talking to Louis and I walked up to Niall to see what they were talking about.

"What you guys talking about" I asked.

"Nothing babe" Niall said to me.

"Fine, I'll just become a Victoria Secret Model and find some other hot guy" I said walking away.

"No!" Niall yelled.

"Then tell me what you two are talking about" I said looking at Louis and Niall.

"Fine, Harry was saying that Kendall is going over and I think they might do it" Niall said scratching the back of his neck.

Kylie come over to us and said" yeah, Kendall has been acting weird lately ever since she found out Gabby was pregnant two days ago."

"WHAT!" They all said in a unison.

" I can't tell you guys anything" Kylie said.

"Please" I begged.

She ended up telling us about how Gabby faked her memory lost.

Gabby's Pov

I opened the door and saw Harry and Kendall naked. I stood there crying as Harry looked at me and Kendall smirked.

"Gabby what are you doing here" Harry asked pulling his boxers up.

I felt someone behind me and moved passed me, I saw that it was Sally, she pushed Kendall to the floor, Niall and Harry tried pulling Sally off Kendall.

"Don't touch me you fucking bastard, your the reason why Gabby lied about her memory lost, now she's pregnant with your child, she saved your life and took that bullet for you, you should thank her, cherish, and love her, but your not, your having sex with some girl that management forced you to date" Sally yelled.

Harry looked at me and the rest of the guys came into the room after hearing everything Sally said.

They all walked into the room, happy to see me, but Harry kept looking at me and he was about to walk towards me when I ran to my room and locked the door.I cried, I should have never lied, and why would management force Harry to date someone he doesn't really know.

"Gabby please open the door" Harry said, he sounded like he was crying .

Next I heard a loud punch I ran to my door and unlocked it I see Harry on the floor and Liam above him.

"She's pregnant, pregnant with your fucking child cause you were drunk the night of Simons party, and your having sex with someone else, yeah Gabby lied about her memory lost but she had a reason too, because the love of her life is fucking with some other bitch" Liam said walking pissed.

I walked over to Harry and pulled him up and into my room. I pulled him into my bathroom and he sat on the counter.

"I'm not talking to you but let's clean up that busted lip of yours" I said grabbing a cloth and dabbing it on his lip.

"Ouch" He said flinching.

"It hurt doesn't it, it also hurts getting your heart broken" I said walking out of the bathroom, I grabbed my keys, purse and walked down the stairs.

"Gabby wait please" Harry said running down the stairs.

"Leave me alone please" I said about to open the door, but he closed it

"No!" He yelled at me.

"No?no!" I yelled back and walked to the kitchen and everyone was in the living room looking at us.

"Your gunna yell at me and tell me not to leave" I said crying and sitting on the floor crying. I was breathing in and out carefully.

"Why did you lie" he asked I looked him in the eyes and he was crying.

"I can't be stressed it's not good for the baby" I said getting up.

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, if you want you can come" I said looking at the floor and walking upstairs.

Harry's Pov.

I didn't know what happened, I guess I've missed gabby so much that I did a one night stand with Kendall and when gabby walked in on me and Kendall having sex my heart dropped.
Sally ran in and pushed Kylie and me and Niall tried pulling her off Kendall, but Sally yelled at me.

"Don't touch me you fucking bastard, your the reason why Gabby lied about her memory lost, now she's pregnant with your child, she saved your life and took that bullet for you, you should thank her, cherish, and love her, but your not, your having sex with some girl that management for exes you to date" Sally yelled at me.

I looked at Gabby and thought to myself, so I did have sex with her and it wasn't a dream, it was real........

Mileena's Pov.

After Liam punched Harry I walked into Liam's room and saw him outside the balcony about to smoke.

I ran towards him and grabbed it out of his hand and threw it to the floor.

"No, Liam you can't do this to yourself, it doesn't take the pain away trust me" I said cupping his face and he cried in my arms.

"I'm so sorry" he said.

"It's ok, just don't do it ever please" I said crying, he nodded.

I looked at Liam and he looked at me and at my lips, he leaned in and our lips touched, I felt sparks inside my stomach, I like Liam a lot, more than a friend.......

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