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~4th February, 2018~

"Annyeong, ahjumma~" I cooed, running into my Aunt's embrace. Finally, after two years, I'm back in Seoul for a tiny visit to see my relatives and my parents. Also, maybe a chance to meet up with some friends I made back then.. yeah, I left for good, but I can't help but feel guilty to leave without saying a word.

"Aigoo~ you've grown so much!! I bet your appetite grew as well. Come on, I'll take you to your room. Feel free to make yourself at home throughout your three day stay." She hugged me back, patting me on the back strongly before taking my mini luggage into the spare room, which used to be Sophie's..

I never had the chance to bid my farewell to Sophie when she passed away just three days after I flew to Malaysia. It was the hardest thing to overcome, especially when I didn't have anyone but my relatives to comfort me. The nights I spent weeping still remained vivid in my mind, and those hours were the worst.

"Is the room good?" She asked while I settled my bag down onto the table nearby.

"Yep!" I nodded. My aunt left me to rest and unpack my things, causing the room to level down to a peaceful silence, only the soft sound of the sea waves from Haeundae beach came pouring in from my window.

I sighed loudly, laying myself onto the bed and kicking the air. I pouted just at the thought of unpacking. It's always a pain. Like what's the point of it? You're gonna have to pack it up again...

Two hours later, after I finally got everything settled(Which included me falling asleep in the midst of it) and came out of the room to smell a strong scent of rose. My eyes widened after pondering on what my aunt was doing that had to relate to such a beautiful scent.

"No. Way. Are you making rose flavored Macaroons?!?!" I squealed, hopping into the kitchen and peeking over her shoulder to see her piping out the baby pink cream onto the flat surface of a scarlet red macaroon, then covering it with another.

"Just for you. I prepared them beforehand of course." She spoke in Busan satoori, moving the tray of macaroons to the oven.

"Thank you~~" I Backhugged her. I decided not to be a couch potato here and helped my aunt clean the dishes, do the house chores, fold some of the clothes and wipe the tables.

By the time the house was cleaned to perfection, it was already 4pm. Time really goes by fast when you're having fun even though it's just chores.

We washed ourselves up and watched some television together, from cracking up because of 'running man' to weeping our eyes out from this show called 'W-two worlds'.

My aunt gave out one last wail, tugging at the tissue box before the door clicked open.

"Honey, I could hear you crying from the frontyard, what's wro-- Oh my.. Yura?!" My uncle changed the topic immediately after seeing me. I got up and bowed politely before running up to him to give him a hug.

"Good to see you, Uncle~" I greeted. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, patting my back before putting his bag down.

"Is dinner ready?" My uncle asked my aunt who was still crying over the drama. She straightened up at the question, immediately dashing to the kitchen to heat up some rice.

"I'm doing it right now. Does rice and vegetable pancakes sound good to you, Yura?" She poked her head out. I nodded enthusiastically before running to my room and turning on my phone.

I searched for a contact number or two, and pressed call. First person, Lee Bo na. The call got picked up in an instant.

"Hello?" That chirpy voice echoed into my ears. A grin grew on my face. It's nice to hear someone familiar once in a while.

Epilogue: Never Again [P.J.M]Where stories live. Discover now