[30] Faith

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You received a message from Mike early one morning. The text lacked any kind of detail. Simply bare.
'Come to our place. It's very important. Hurry!'

The urgency from the message jolted you awake. You sat up in bed and shook Vincent awake, not daring to look away from your phone. "Vinny... Vinny wake up. Vincent!"
Vincent snorted softly and scrunched his face up, not opening his eyes.
You try to give him more context to encourage his awaking. "Vincent, I think Mike needs our help."
He shoves his face into the pillow. "He can manage himself." He muffled out.
You slap his bare shoulder with the back of your hand. Playfully, but enough to get his attention. "Just get up already, you overdeveloped eggplant!"

A deep growl emitted from him as he placed his forearms to the sides of his head to raise it. His loose hair draped over his shoulders and slowly slid down into place as he straightened his posture. He let out a groggy sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose squinting and eventually blinking his eyes open.
"What is it, sweetheart?"
"We're going to Mike's. Get dressed"

✿  ✿  ✿

Mike was waiting outside by the time you'd arrived, looking both ways of the street before spotting you and Vincent.

"Come in, come in!" He seemed completely overjoyed as he gestured you towards his house and ran inside. Confusion was an understatement to how you were feeling right about now. Mike was rarely this happy. Much less did he ever show it in such gleeful manners. You raised and eyebrow as you looked at Vincent. He replied with half pursed lips tugging at the corner of his mouth and shrugged at you.

Upon entering the house, you called for Mike, who was out of your sight. The new place was far nicer than their old apartment. They moved in quickly and felt way more spacious. The light was abundant and golden instead of murky, and white walls gave a sense of purity. Mike called back from the living room. "Over here! But try to keep it down a bit."
In the room was the most heartwarming sight you'd seen in a while. There was Doll, on the couch, with Mike and Jeremy standing at her sides, holding a bundle of sheets. Mike looked lovingly at it before looking your way.
"Her name's Faith."
Your eyes widen. You quickly walk over to Doll and catch sight of a beautiful baby girl. She wasn't over a year old, with thick, black hair and big, silver eyes. She was doing those cute gurgling noises babies do when half asleep, along with baby squeaks and tiny whines.
You knew those eyes, and that raven black hair. The fifth child, who had accompanied Mike through his hardships, was here again right in front of you.
A second chance.
A new life.
With a mother and a father you knew would love her deeply.
It was beautifully overwhelming. You kept the thought to yourself though, like a secret between Faith and you. You felt tears tingling in the corners of your eyes, begging to be let out. And so you let them. Silent tears. Few and slow. You were quick to wipe them when Doll talk to you.
"Do you want to carry her?"
Blinking rapidly, you nodded gratefully and held your arms out to hold the child. Vincent closed in, holding your elbows tenderly, helping you with the baby. You didn't feel uneasy with him around a kid. You knew he had changed. He seemed... curious, about the baby. Wide eyed and staring at the baby as if he'd never seen one. You chuckle softly at him.
Faith yawned faintly in your arms and stretched her chubby arms. "She's amazing, Mike."
"I know right?" He responded in a near whisper, not taking his eyes off of his daughter.
"I should get her to her crib. You got here just in time, (Y/N)" Doll winked at Jeremy, which made him redden shyly and tug at the hem of his green sweater. Jeremy stood and ever so carefully took Faith from your arms, carrying her to what you assumed was her room.
As Faith was put down on the tiny bed, she began to whimper, but Jeremy knew just what to do. He began a song.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take
My sunshine

Jeremy still had the voice of an angel, and her new sister wasn't one to ignore that. Faith was fast asleep, breathing softly and cozily wrapped in her sheets. Everyone gathered around the peaceful little girl muttering silent gibberish as she slept peacefully, a minuscule smile forming on her thin, soft lips.

This little girl made you realize that there are many aspects of life you have yet to explore, or even consider. Will you have children? Are you and Vincent even ready for that? Do you actually want one? Those questions would have to wait, because as of right now, you were happy with where you were. Family or not, that was your choice to make. Kids are quite a handful, after all.

You turned to look tenderly at Faith, with your head resting on Vincent's shoulder. If a tormented spirit could make it into a second life, then you could pull through with your own.
Sure, maybe Vincent was a tad bit insane, but in a tolerable, somewhat charming kind of way. Furthermore, you knew he would never harm you, under no circumstances. His issues were something you would have to work through to heal. Together.

Vincent held your hand and delicately tugged you to face his way, touching foreheads with you. You let your eyes close and smile ever so softly as he whispered to you.
"You truly changed me, (Y/N)... You brought a whole different person out of me, and I could never thank you enough."
Those words truly moved you. In your life, you had believed there was no such thing as true love. No knight in shining armor to save you and no Price Charming to take you to live in a dreamlike castle. But Vincent managed to prove all of that wrong. Those tormenting ideas finally shattered forever as he said those words, never to return again. The walls you worked endlessly to put up through your whole life finally crumpled to the ground and were reduced to less than rubble. Tears begin to well up in your eyes, but of a kind that you weren't too used to yet. Joyful tears. You let out the smallest laugh and closed the space between you and and Vincent's lips. The kiss was short, yet so much meaning went into it. You knew Vincent was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

Your life had had its problems, but there isn't a single being out there without issues to work out. They're obstacles that help us grow as humans and make us stronger all together. You knew the obstacles that living with Vincent might bring, and you didn't know how exactly you'd overcome them. You knew almost nothing about the future and what it might hold. All you knew was that you had faith. And as long as you and Vincent had that, everything would turn out just fine.

"I love you."

✿  ✿  ✿  THE END  ✿  ✿  ✿

And this is it you guys! Thank you so much for all the attention and wonderful comments this story has gotten. If it weren't for you all the story wouldn't have gone past 10 chapters and I would have abandoned it for good. I seriously have no words to let you know how awesome you people are for sticking with me until the end. I owe you everything in this story. So once again, thank you, and if you're willing to take a look at more of my work, (even if it's not Vincent- oh, there goes your interest...) I have an original book I've been working on, Kinesis, if you wanna check it out (please?). I'd love some feedback. Just give it a chance.

And well, I adore you guys and I wish there was a way to let you all know that your comments make my day, your votes make me smile and your reads make me feel all fuzzy inside.
Thank you for everything.
- Valkyrie

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