[16] Netflix and Chill

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(Literally just Netflix and chilling, don't get any ideas)
"Yeah," Vincent replies with his husky voice and half-lidded eyes, tilting his head slightly. A sly smirk plastered on his face. "Like a movie, or something you like."
"Oh," you feel the heat on your face retreat. You scold yourself. 'Get your mind out of the gutter, (y/n).'
Vincent chuckled at you, his smirk getting wider. He knew perfectly well how to mess with you. "Come," 
Vincent grabbed your hand softly as he lead you through the house and up to his bedroom.
"We aren't going to see it on the T.v. down here?" You ask, knowing perfectly well there was a television on this floor thanks to the little exploration you did.
"It's more comfortable up there." He answered quickly, his smile still on his face and not turning to look at you, but straight ahead. You take a moment to pick up a few of your shopping bags, which had your clothes an pajamas. Once you reach the bedroom, he lets you pass first into the room. 

You take a quick glance at the tv and the rest of his bedroom. You smile slightly and take a deep breath. The room had a warm and welcoming vibe which made you feel calm and dreamy, a little more and you could've fallen asleep right on the spot. You set the bags near the door and take out a pajama. Quickly, you go to the bathroom and change. It was getting late, after all.

Once you came back out, Vincent was starting up the t.v. while sitting on the edge of his bed. He had changed too and wore an old, blank t-shirt. He turned to look at you in your pajamas. He smiled softly at you and patted the spot beside him , signaling for you to come over.
You return the smile shyly and hesitantly sit next to him while you saw him look for series or movies to watch on Netflix.

"You have anything in mind?" He asked you as he leaned a little closer to you.
It made you blush a little but you remained in place. "Not really, just keep searching,"
Vincent shrugs with a kind smile still on his beautiful lips and continues to pass show after show, and movie after movie.

You begin to get bored after a few minutes, when nothing seems to get your attention. You start to lean towards Vincent without realizing you're both now laying normally on the bed, your head resting on his shoulder. You didn't realize you were unconsciously starting to stare at him all dreamy-like until you turn to look at the screen again.

Suddenly something catches your eye. You recognize a picture and a name. Yep, (f/s(favorite show)). Your eyes widen as a smile slowly forms on your face and widens until it's almost as big as Vincent's usual smirk. A soft squealing sound comes out of you and intensifies slowly, almost like a tea pot. "VINCENT!"
Vincent jumps on his bed and sits up straight. "(Y/n), what in the world-?!"
"It's (F/S)!!!" You squeal and point at the tv like a little girl in the pink aisle who just found a limited edition Barbie at a toy store.
"(F/s)?" He asks raising an eyebrow and turning to look at the t.v., focusing on the show you were pointing at. "You like it?"
You stop squealing and shaking and get dead serious. You sit completely still and look at him straight in the eye. "I've lost my life to that show."
He chuckles, appreciating the joke (Or was it a joke?). "So you wanna watch it?"
Vincent chuckles a bit more and presses the play button. You get comfortable, covering yourself with blankets and pillows... And Vincent beside you. Your body tingles with joy as the themes song begins to play.

✿  ✿  ✿

You had lost track of time. How long has it been? Three hours, four? Whatever the case, Vincent had been playing with your hair for at least a few minutes now. Your eyelids were beginning to drop but you continued to watch your favorite show beside your favorite person. You had a small smile as your eyes began to close. You felt peaceful. Something you hadn't felt in quite a long time. The slight tugs you felt on your head from Vincent twirling your (h/l), (h/c) hair made a calm and pleasant feeling spread through you.

You were leaning against Vincent's warm chest at this point. His calm and slow breathing made it harder not to fall asleep. The last thing you remember before your eyes began to get too heavy, was the screen displaying a message; 'Are you still watching?'.You cuddle with Vincent without opening your eyes. You feel him lift you up a little and setting you under the bed's covers, you were barely awake at this point. He climbs in, too, getting closer. He begins curling your hair and running his fingers through it.

"Goodnight, Vincent," You manage to faintly whisper out.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)~" he replies groggily, his arms wrapping tightly around you.
You felt cozy and warm, you're eyelids getting heavier with each blink. You give up and close your eyes for the last time. Taking a deep breath and letting out a soft sigh, your lips stretch to forming the slightest of smiles. Finally, you had fallen asleep beside the love of your life, your one and only... Vincent.

Lovely Purple (Vincent x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora