[12] Night of Freedom

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This was your last night. Tonight you were getting your paycheck that would free you from your parents. You just had to wait for Boss until 8:00 a.m.

You joyfully skipped to Freddy's singing out loud to your favorite song as you twirled, danced and skipped until you arrive at the restaurant.

Nothing could get you down at this point. You felt like you could even put up with Vincent's flirty ways.

The doors open and you are greeted by the purple guy leaning against the walls with the shadows covering the upper half of his body.

"Hello lov-" He began to speak but you didn't let him finish. You ran to him and grabbed him by the arms and tried twirling him around. He just raised an eyebrow. Yeah, didn't exactly work since he's pretty heavy for you, which resulted in him barely even moving, so you snatch his hand and force him into a hi-five.

You skip to the office doing some kind of 'Snoopy happy dance', leaving a very confused Vincent behind you.

You grab your tablet and you see Vincent come inside with a little smile.

The shift begins.

Vincent sits on the chair and is about to signal you to his lap, but you were there before he knew it. He chuckles and plays with your (h/l), (h/c) hair.

You snuggle a little more against his warm chest without looking away from your tablet.

Maybe the animatronics could sense your good vibes and decided to go a little easier on you.

✿  ✿  ✿

After a short time, your shift was over and Vincent finally spoke.

"What's got the sweetheart so happy?" He asked with his deep voice.

You didn't even care about the little nickname he added, and you really wanted to tell someone the great news.

"Today I'll get enough money to move out of my parents' house! No more following their orders! No more yelling at me! No more beatings for the tiniest thi-." You freeze. You said too much.

Vincent's eyes grew with anger and surprise. "They do what?!"

Your mood instantly dropped. "N-no Vincent! It won't happen anymore! I'm moving out! D-Don't worry!"

Vincent leaned over to you and grabbed your arm. You winced instinctively, from experience, you thought he was going to hurt you, but your wince only made it more obvious you were abused at home. He quickly lifted the sleeve revealing all the cuts, bruises and gashes.

He let go of your arm and you see his white eyes turn slightly red. He began breathing heavily with anger and clenched his fists so hard you could hear his knuckles cracking and popping. "Oh ho ho, you're right. They won't do it anymore..." He grabbed your hand and stomped out the doors with you.

"Vincent! W-Where are we going?!" He was walking so quickly you had to jog to keep up. And he was not letting go of your hand.

"Where do you live?" Vincent said as he kept looking forward.

"Uhm..." You slowly raise your hand and point to a road ahead and Vincent begins walking a little faster in the direction you had pointed to.

At this point he was basically dragging you along.

You tripped plenty of times but Vincent kept you from falling.

You kept pointing to the directions to get to your house with a trembling hand.

Lovely Purple (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now