[2] The Purple Man

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You start jogging until you reach the office and stop dead in your tracks as soon as you get a glimpse of who you suppose is your partner.

He hadn't noticed you since he was sitting on a chair, staring at a thick, gray tablet in front of him, which gave you the opportunity to stare a little longer.

He was fully purple, his skin was purple. Then there were his eyes. Completely blank. No iris nor pupil. Pure white, almost as if they were glowing. He lifted his head, looks over at you and slowly stands up. He flashed an abnormally wide smile and starts walking towards you.

You try to look as calm as possible, but inside you were incredibly nervous, and to be honest, a little creeped out. Once he was a few inches from you, you realized he was also a pretty tall guy, around a foot taller than you.

You look up at him when he stops in front of you and begin to notice his other features.

He had long, purple hair that he tied back into a messy rat tail, his uniform was the same shade of purple as him, plus a golden badge with the face of a bear pinned at the right side of his shirt. He was also pretty good looking, but that was a thought that barely crossed the back of your mind.

When you look back into his empty eyes, his smile had changed into a sly smirk and his eyes had become half lidded. He lifted his hand and started tracing your jawline as he opened his mouth to speak. 'Does this guy even know about personal space?!' You think to yourself as you stiffen from the sudden touch.

"Hello, love~. Care to tell me your name?" He purred, his smirk getting wider.

    "I-I'm (Y/n)." You stutter nervously, trying to push him away while backing away yourself. He seems to get the hint and backs up a single step, but that infamous smirk of his remained plastered on his face.

A deep chuckle escapes from him before speaking again. "I'm Vincent," he says, placing a hand on his chest and tilting his head slightly. "your partner for tonight. Take a seat." He gestures towards the chair he used to be sitting on.

"Thanks, but I'm fine." You answer, getting a little more relaxed since you get a little more space.

"I insist." Vincent replies as he continues to gesture to the chair.

"Well... okay." you finally give in. You hear a musical tone as you sat, signaling the beginning of your shift.

You grab the tablet and begin to check the cameras. Vincent simply leaned on the door with arms crossed and his smirk still on his handsome face. You weren't looking at him but, even if he had no pupils, you could tell he was staring at you, eyeing you up and down.

This went on for what seemed to be forever and you actually began to grow tired, until 2:47. You checked the stage for the 36th time this night and you noticed Bonnie was nowhere in sight.

Your eyes grow with fear and your hands begin to shake. 'Where the heck did he go?!' You began to panic.

Vincent's smile changed into a concerned look when he noticed the drastic change in your expression and starts walking over to you.

He leans towards the tablet you were holding and softly places a hand on your shoulder, which for some reason made you feel just a little safer. He glares at the image displayed by the tablet and realizes the bunny is gone. You expected him to be just as scared, but to your surprise, his lips stretch into a smile yet again and chuckles.

"The fun begins" he said in a low raspy voice, his soft lips slowly forming a devilish smirk.

Lovely Purple (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now