[6] The Second Night

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You wake up again and quickly change to a long sleeved, (a/c [any color]) shirt to cover the bruises and cuts on your arms.

You put a little makeup on your cheek, but the bruise was still visible. Barely though. Walking down the stairs, you see your mom walk in from work.

"M-Mom... Can I go outside?" You warily asked.

"I don't care where you go, just please remember to stay out for as long as you can!" She snapped back as she turned on the T.V.

You quickly ran out of the house before she changed her mind. You walked to the mall down street.

Once there you walked in and out of stores, simply looking around.

You didn't buy anything since you really needed to save the money to move out.

After walking around in the mall, you came back home at 11:15 p.m.

Your mom and dad were in a bar according to the note on the fridge, so you put on your uniform for work and headed out.

✿ ✿ ✿

You walk into the building 12 minutes early. You wave at Boss as you pass his office. He waves back. You smile and keep walking.

You peek into the security office, spotting Vincent immediately.

"Hello (Y/n)~" he greeted.

You blushed a little and giggle. "Hi Vincent!"

He grins a little wider and looks at his tablet. "I'm going to have to teach you how to do this. I can't let you get hurt."

You walk to Vincent. He still had his eyes fixed on the tablet. "The animatronics move faster as the nights go by, if one leaves, you can check where they are using the cameras. The one in the kitchen never works, but the audio works perfectly. Only Chica goes there. You can tell when you hear the pots and pans clanking. Freddy is a little harder. He is really good at hiding. The only way to see him is to look for two white dots; his eyes. He won't stand in the door waiting for you to close it. You need to close the door as soon as he is in Camera 4B. Then there's Foxy. He's in Pirate's Cove. He starts moving on the second night, so be ready. Once he is completely out, he dashes straight to the left door. Close it before checking the left hall. Finally, always remember to take good care of your power."

You nod. It didn't sound that hard.

The 12:00 a.m bell sounds all over the building. You take your own tablet and lean on the table near him.

Vincent looks at you and chuckles. "Now you're going to pretend last night didn't happen~?" He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you towards him, ending with you sitting on his lap. You blush. Vincent grins but his smile quickly fades as he got closer to your face, narrowing his eyes as he got closer.

'Oh no...' You think. Vincent wipes away part of your makeup and stares at your cheek with shades of blue, purple and black where your dad had slapped you.

"(Y/n)! What happened to you?" He asked. Worry and a little sadness in his words.

"I'm fine, Vincent! Really!" You reply, trying to avoid crying... again.

"Who did this to you?!" He sounded a little more angry now.

"No one Vincent! I just... bumped into a light pole." You lied.

Vincent knew you were lying, but he also knew you didn't want to talk about it. He sighs and looks back at his tablet.

With his advice, the night ran smoothly.

When it ended you stood up forgetting you had been on Vincent's lap the whole night. You whispered a goodbye and dragged yourself out the doors.

You were home in time and headed for your room. You changed into your pajamas and slept through the whole day.

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