Chapter 10: Face To Face

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A Nerd Romance

Chapter 10: Face To Face

*Sorry but this chapter is gonna be kinda short and maybe a lil boring but it's only becuz I may be endin the story here.... Idk yet but I may end it or think of some more crazy crap to put in the story. But read on....*

*Vanessa Wise's POV:*

"Hey baby! I miss you sooooo much right now.", I smiled into the laptop camera.

"I miss you too babe. You need to hurry up and come back down to Florida to visit!"

I was video chatting with Chris over Oovoo because I really miss him. And school and work to pay for my apartment is too much and I just needed to see that handsome face.

"What are you doing?", he asked, grinning in to his camera.

"Trying to not be bored! I have no homework, thank god, and I have work later but life's pretty borin right now..... What YOU doing?"

"Learning how to play the electric guitar!!"

I laughed and we talked for a few hours before I fell asleep chatting with him. Maybe college is not all that bad....

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