Chapter 6: Almost To Heaven

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A Nerd Romance

Chapter 6: Almost To Heaven

*Chris Kodak's POV:*

Vanessa helped me tie my tie and button up my shirt. Tonight I was going to meet her mom, brother, and sister. She keeps telling me that there gonna love me but I'm still a nervous wreck.

"Baby calm down before you ruin your hair!", she said, rolling her eyes and putting on lipstick.

"I can't control my nerves right now!!"

She walked out of my bedroom bathroom and walked in front of my body length mirror to check herself out.

Her black mini dress stopped mid thigh and fit her to were it was tight in the butt and curve area but not too tight to look slutty. She had on some simple dark red wedges and her simple cat eye and pink lipstick fit her well. And her hair was straight down her back to her waist.

"I've never wore anything like this before! I still can't believe I wore that dress on our date!", she sighed and pushed up her boobs and picked out a wedgie.

"Stop complaining and I saw that!"

She stuck out her tongue and ran a hand through her blonde hair.

After a ten minute make out session, she fixed her make up again and we drove to the restaurant.

"So here's what you need to know about my family. My dad died when I was seven and my mom is heartbroken. But she's really sweet and it takes time for her to trust you fully. Her name is Cynthia Wise! Remember that!", she pointed at me.

I nodded for her to continue.

"Then there's my brother, Rayan Wise. He's 19 and works at 7-Eleven. He's kinda a jerk but I think you will get along fine.", she continued, fixing my sleeve as I drove faster.

"Then there's my older sister, Teresa Taylor. She's 26, engaged, and works at Bank of America. She's the manager and everything so she's a little bitchy but she's sweet... I guess..... She thinks she's better then everybody else that's not at her 'success level'.... Don't worry though. They will love you!", she smiled really big.

I cringed and let out a big, deep, loud breath. Here goes nothing!

*Vanessa Wise's POV:*

I could tell Chris was nervous. Hell!!! Anyone could!! His nervous started radiating on me causing me to start breathing weird.

"Here it goes. Act normal and calm. Everything is gonna be ok. Please babe, for me!", I whispered in his ear, smiling at the receptionist.

"I will try my best. I'm not gonna ruin this for you! Wise, party of five.", he whispered back.

She grabbed menus and lead us to our table. My family was already there and waiting patiently for our arrival. Not to burst my little speech I just told Chris but my hands started to shake. He sensed my panic and grabbed my hand tight.

He pulled out my chair for me and then took the seat next to me after I sat down. I tried to smile and not show my panic.

"Vanessa, its soooo nice to see you again. Although I live with you and I just saw you this morning!", my brother hissed, rolling his eyes.

"Nice to see you again too trick....", I whispered under my breath.

"Mommy..... Teresa.....", I greeted the rest of my mostly decent family.

Teresa just kept on tapping away on her iPhone 5s with her long, freshly painted nails.

"Vanessa, who is this fine young man next to you?!", my mother gushed, her face turning red.

"Everybody, this is Chris, my-uh-boyfriend!", I blushed.

He smiled and his dimples creased into his round cheeks.

"Vanessa has a boyfriend? Interesting......", Teresa questioned, putting down her phone and squinting her eyes at Chris in suspicion.

"Look who wants to talk now! The clown is back in town! And where is that dashing elephant of yours? Mmmm?", I asked her, raising my eyebrows to help get my point across the table.

She rolled her eyes and the waiter came and took our orders. We ate and chatted about life and to be honest, it didn't go bad. It was good and everyone enjoyed themselves from what I could see.

"I'm gonna ride home with my mom tonight. I'll come get my stuff tomorrow night, ok?", I gushed as everyone walked out of the restaurant.

"Ok..... I'll miss you!"

I smiled and tucked some stray hair behind my ear. He's so sweet and when the time comes I cant wait to give myself to him. But at times, deep in my heart, I hope I'm not just using him because I'm desperate. And it's sad I don't even know what I'm doing myself.

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