Chapter 3: Blooming Hearts

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A Nerd Romance

Chapter 3: Blooming Hearts

*Chris Kodak's POV:*

All during fourth period I've been sneaking peeks at Vanessa. I've been observing her. The way she would tap her pencil on the desk when she's nervous to answer a question I know she knows. The way she would bite the easer when she took notes. And she doodles in her notebook when were taking notes.

Every since I saw her in the hallway looking like she was about to cry, I've began to feel a connection between us thats been growing bigger by the minute. And when I built up enough courage to kiss her, I knew she was the girl of my dreams. The one I want to be with.

Some people can be rude. She may not be 'girlfriend material', but she is girlfriend material.

She may not be 'hoe sexy', but she's beautiful. She may be considered a nerd, but she's not. She's smart. Other people don't see what I see in Vanessa. They don't see that she has her whole future ahead of her unlike most people. She will go places.

When class ended, I followed her through the crowded hallway. When she reached her locker, I made my move.

"Hey Vanessa.", I said smoothly, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Oh! Uh-Hey Chris....", she said, looking down and a blush creeping on her cheeks.

"I was wondering if maybe.... You. Would want to go on a... Date with me?", I stuttered.

After a second her eyes connected with mine and she scrunched her eyebrows together.

"You want to know if I wanted to go on a date with you?", she asked back.

I slowly shook my head yes. Usually I'm not the type to get nervous over a girl but I guess it's because there's a connection and I'm not about to let that go.

"Look. Chris. I don't think we should go on a date. Your a popular bad boy and..... I'm the school nerd. That doesn't look right. And I'm not looking to date. I'm sorry, but... No."

My face twisted with confusion. I understand where she's coming from but I want to get to know her. I want her to be late for her curfew and have her dad give me dirty looks. I want her to kiss me on the cheek and run inside. And I want to spend my night with her.

"Are you nervous to go on a date with me?", I asked her, leaning against the lockers.

She stared at me with lust and confusion. Her temper was boiling up by the minute. Her face turned red and she smirked.

"No! Im not scared or nervous! I just don't want to date right now! Got the memo??!!!", she whisper yelled at me, leaning closer to me.

Her eyes went dark and I thought I may have hit a nerve. I started thinking about what to say after her little outbreak. So when the crowd moved out the school to leave, I leaned forward slowly and kissed her.

She raised her hands to push me but I grabbed her hands and locked fingers with her's. I deepened the kiss and she moaned, automatically moving her lips against mine.

I pulled away and smiled, leaving her gasping for air.

"Fine....", she said, huffing and slamming her locker closed.

I grinned and held her hand and pulled her away to leave.

"You owe me a ride home because of you, I missed my bus!", she stated coldly.

"Ouch! Its ok, I knew it would work. And I know you enjoyed."

"Enjoyed what?!"

"That kiss. I love the feeling of your sexy, soft lips on mine....."

Her cheeks heated up and I laughed at her. She just stuck her tongue out at me and started dragging me out the school. I got a date with an amazing girl.

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