Chapter 8: Saddest Parts

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A Nerd Romance

Chapter 8: Saddest Parts

*Vanessa Wise's POV:*

Me and Chris haven't talked for a week. Whenever I pass by him in the hallway I ignore his sad glance and keep walking. I try to make myself look interested in not talking to him. My mission was to make him feel bad about his actions. But to be honest, I feel so bad about it! Revenge really pulls at your heart.

"Ms. Wise, do you mind reading chapter 10?", my boring ass science teacher, Mr. Tony, asked me, a small smile on his face.

I've been avoiding reading or speaking in all my classes today. Today I just felt like used shit. It's been a week and I've been fine but today I just couldn't manage to pull through the day.

"Uh-I'm sorry Mr. Tony but I have a sore throat that hurts really bad!", I whispered, trying to pass off at looking sick.

"Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that Vanessa. Hope you feel better! What about you Mr. Kodak?"

I tensed at his name. I was trying so hard to forget about him but when I heard his name everything changed. My world crashed. And my heart started shattering into pieces when I heard him start reading about animal mates.

"..... And when they do their mating call, their mates-", he began but I shut him out.

Tears started to swell up my vision and I jumped up, causing my desk to crash down on the floor. I took a glance at him and then ran out in tears. I couldn't stand to hear his voice. It tore me apart and everything I've done for him floods my brain in horror.

Why did I have to be the stupid nerd and fall in love with the baddest there is? Why couldn't I just grow up and live in a one bedroom apartment with two cats, Snoopy and Catnips??!!!

"Are you ok? Vanessa- I'm so sorry for being so stupid and ruining your moment......", I heard a deep, sad, smooth voice whisper.

It sent chills up and down my spine and it made my mind go blank. I couldn't think straight. So I just turned away from the person and sniffed.

"Vanessa, I still care about you and I love you to death. No matter what I know we can do this because we love each other. I love you and I know you cant ever forget that... We were meant to be and please forgive me!", he pleaded, almost to the point of crying.

I stayed silent and still but I shrieked in sadness when he stood in front of me, his hands resting gently on the sides of my hips.

"Please forgive me baby....", he asked sadly while I stared up into his shiny eyes.

I wanted to forgive him but then I felt like if I do, something's gonna happen again and I will keep being stupid and forgiving him over and over again! My whole body reacted to his touch and he changed me like no one could ever do!

"Vanessa, please talk to me.... Tell me what your thinking about! Tell me what your feeling! Please don't let me keep going around worrying sick about you."

"I guess-I guess I feel like..... I feel so bad about pushing you away like that.... And I miss you a lot! I can't stand to be away from you but it just really hurt my feelings when you told me you weren't happy for me..... All I ever wanted was someone to love me the way you do. But it seems like everyone I take in my heart I seem to push away.... Oh my gosh- This is all my fault!!", I whined, covering my face the whole time I spilled my feelings to Chris.

My heart aches and this feeling wasn't normal to me. It was foreign! And I loved every bit of this heartache. Why? Because it proves I do have feelings for Chris. It proves that no matter what I will love him like I do now. And it proves that I can't do anything that will ever change that.

"Kiss me....", I demanded.

He got serious and stepped closer and crashed his lips to mine. The feeling of lips on mine caused my heart to blossom. It caused new feelings to explode within me. Having him kiss me made me feel like he wants me and that he will do anything to keep me. I know it now that Chris will do anything to keep me by his side to call me his.

When in time, when he was supposed to seep his tongue into the sweet kiss, he didn't. He kept it sweet and heated and passionate without overtaking the kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me incredibly close. I held on to him for dear life and nothing felt better than the feeling of him kissing me while holding me close. It felt like if we broke the kiss, the world would crumble into pieces into the milky way.

****NOTE: It helps set the mood if you listen to the songs:
- Bruno Mars-When I Was Your Man
- Chris Brown-Say Goodbye
- One Republic-Secrets****

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