Chapter 8: ' This is not gonna be good...'

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I don't know how but she managed to win the next three rounds.

"You're going down Grayson " she says. I don't think so baby I never loose !

" Nooo"
" I guess you lost your chance on being first angel " i say and I see her frown

Last round. Either we're gonna be
tie or I would win. I think you all know what I want.

" no ! Grayason stop ! No !" She was telling me while I was pushing her . What can I say I'm very competitive too...

'Finish him ' And I won !

" Noooo" she says
" Game over sweetheart " i say while i get to leave but she follows me.
" You pig !" Damn she looks hot when she is angry
"Oh come on don't be so pissed ." I say
" I can't wait to taste my delicious pancakes " I continue
" oh so you think that I'm still gonna make you pancakes even after you cheated in order to win ?"
" No ! You made me loose ! If you weren't pushing me I would have won not you !" She says while she is hitting me on my chest. Damn girl relax .
" Hey, hey stop" I'm not kidding I start to feel really angry !
" why ? What you are gonna do huh huh?" What am I gonna do ? Are you serious ? Alright!

I then grabbed her from her wrists and brought her very close to me . She has to understand who she is messing with... I had to be angry, I wanted to be angry But I couldn't. And the weird thing Is I don't know why ! Is like that just by looking into her eyes she was capable of manipulate me, and she doesn't even understand it.

She is so damn beautiful...

I want to make those lips mine... I


I heard her phone ring and I instantly released her. .
What did I just do ? I almost ...I almost kissed her ?

"Look who is it ?" I tell her
" uhm David " she says. Here we go again with that David !
" Well will you answer him or not ?!"
" he hang up " she says
After 2 sec her phone started ringing again.
" ha he seems very worried doesn't he? Answer him and make sure he doesn't understand a thing " i then tell her . Why am I so angry ? The f*ck ? She affects me so freaking much ! I don't like this...
" what now !!?"
" I can't answer the call cause my phone is broken !" She shouted at me.


For a while we weren't talking . I went to my office to do some work while she stayed in the living room.

Ahhh I can't take this anymore. Why she has to be so weird ? So unique ! So...her !? Grr !
I got up in order to go to the bathroom . Maybe the cold water will relax me !


"What are you doing here ?" I say to Angela whom I found snooping into my office
" I...I was looking for you " she says...and i then spot a picture on her was a picture of my 'family'
" I never told you that you are allowed to get in here and touch my stuff !" I say while I take the picture from her hands
" ok I'm sorry . " she says
" what do you want ?" I say in a serious tone
" I'm..I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me . I'm very bored !" She says with a puppy face... I guess she does that a lot
" fine pick up the movie and I'll be there in a bit"  I say to her. I can't even remember the last time I stayed inside to see a movie..
" ok " she says happily .

" Take the remote and don't press play until I come " she says..
" why ?"
" you'll see " she answers . Wtf ?

After a while she came back and gave me a chocolate cookie ice cream while she took a banana split one . Ice cream of course..!

" I thought that when you see a movie you're supposed to eat popcorn. !?" I tell her
" Well we're being smarter and eat ice cream instaid " she says while she takes a big spoon of her ice cream.

' Saved by the Gang Leader 'Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant