Chapter 6 - David's Test

Start from the beginning

I took off running into the alley way and chased the girl down.

David: If this game is part of the test, then we've already past for sure!

I stopped at an intersection to catch my breath and took a look a around for the girl. I spotted her running down the alley way next door.

???: I'm over here!

I took off running and I managed to catch up with her, slowly but steady gaining a few inches each second. I jumped up into the air, landing on the woodeen fence as I sprinted down across the fence, then front flipped back on to the ground, landing in front of the girl.

David: Now your it.

I reached over to tag her on the shoulder but she just stood back and shook her head.

???: Ah-ah! You have to step on my shadow twin!

David: What?

I took a look behind her to see her shadow illuminating on the ground behind her.

???: Those are the rules because we're playing shadow tag.

David: What? I thought we were playing regular tag?

???: Just kidding!

She giggled as she skipped past me, going down further through the alley.

David: Hey wait!.... Grrrr!

I sprinted after her, using the ninja skills my grandfather taught me to keep up with her. B now she was running through the square of the town, going past city hall. I performed some ninja flips, jumping off the side of buildings and such to stay out of her sight. Once the girl relaxed, thinking that she lost me, I appeared out of the shadows and she bumped into me.

David: Now I got you.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and she laughed at me. I smiled at the little girl and let out a small laugh myself. It was strange though. That girl looked famailar to me, but I just couldn't quite put my finger on it. Who was she?

???: Your fast! Okay, on to the next game!

David: Another one?

???: Yeah! Kick the can!

She kicked a can that was laying on the ground and it soared into the air like a football.

???: Come on! Follow me!

Grimlock: She sure seems happy to have you here David.

David: I'll say.

???: Your up! it's your turn now!

David: Okay, here I go.

I ran over and kicked the can, making it soar into the air and nearly dissapearing from our sight.

???: That was a good one!


Me and the girl were now walking up a hill in a park. Grimlock's hologram rested on my shoulder as me and the girl talked.

???: Its more fun to play with someone than it is to be alone all the time.

David: Sometimes.

???: You mean you like to be alone?

David: Yeah I guess it's okay.

???: Oh.

David: ...... I have a bunch of friends. But they can be a handful sometimes.

???: Heh, heh, heh, you're lucky.

David: Heh.

Grimlock: I don't think I ever heard you laugh like that before David. It's good to see this side of you.

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