Chapter Seven

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I look out the window and what I see makes me almost jump, bright yellows, pinks, greens and oranges. Deep blues and purples, hair sticking up so high it almost touches the ceiling of the train station, clothes that spike out at all angles, and peoples skin dark green, or red, there was one person with green skin, with a design that looked like scales, and another that was orange with black stripes. I knew that Capitol fashion was weird but this is just crazy. They're all jumping, and screaming at the top of their lungs. Waving their arm at the train. I half smile and wave back, but then my smile fades to nothing and I'm just waving. I look over at Haymitch and he shakes his head. I turn back to look at the crowd. I blow a kiss and everyone goes insane, they jump higher and scream louder. Some people even try to climb onto the side of the train. They are all chanting my name, or what i think is my name. I guess Cassandra was too long so they shortened it to Cas. I laugh inside because that's what Ave used to call me when he couldn't pronounce Cassandra. I blow one more kiss and walk to the door of the train which is now opening. Jasper hugs me before we reach the door. I flinch at the sudden embrace.

"Good luck." He whispers before he lets go. He then walks out the door his head held high smiling and waving at the crowd. Haymitch walks over to me with his arms spread open wide, grining.

"Do I get a hug too?" He says laughing. I roll my eyes and walk out the door shaking my head.

"Fine then." He laughs walking out behind me. If I thought the train station at home was bad, well its like being stranded in the forest alone compared to this. People reaching trying to grab my arms, and my clothes. I run my hand along the crowd of hands. I feel them grasping for a second then letting go. They love the Hunger Games. They love watching every second of it. I remember my dad showing me the games filled with the Capitol children. I remember him telling me how upset he was when Snow's granddaughter wasn't chosen. I didn't understand back then but I do now. We all fought for the Hunger Games to stop and now they are all excited about it being back? I just din't understand these people. I feel someone's hand on my back and I whip around to see Haymitch. He puts his hand on my shoulder and starts guiding me away from the crowd and into the doors of the train station. There are more people there. I spot all the reporters rushing towards me. Great. I roll my eyes at the thought of more questions. I hide any sort of emotion on my face. Maybe if they don't know how actually terrified I am  right now it'll make me seem like tougher competition. They scream my name, I look over at Jasper he looks slightly sad. Probably because no one is calling his name. I see the car that will take us to the building where are apartment will be. I'm excited to see it. 

"I hope the rooms will be as good as they were when Katniss was here the first time." says Diamond. the reporters, swarm even more. I look at Katniss and she shakes her head. 

"Are you afraid?" I make my face as placid as I can.

"Are you excited?"

"Do you know Jasper?"

" Do you have family back in Twelve?"

"Did Rose come visit you before you left?" 

"Were you and Rose close?" 

"Why did you volunteer for her?"  Everyone is pushing us and bumping us. Haymitch takes my hand and pulls me through the crowd. I can here the reporters screaming more questions.

"Did you just want to be in the Games?"

"Were you and Katniss close?" 

"Did Katniss ever teach you to shoot?"

"Can you shoot?" 

"Did you hunt with Katniss?" 

"Was your family upset?"

I just brush them off, thinking of Ave makes me upset and that's the last thing I want them to see. Seeing me vulnerable would make me seem weak, and I sure as hell am not weak. We walk to the car that will be taking us to the training building. As quick as possible we walk to the car. Diamond slides gracefully into the front, sitting in the seat beside the driver. I sit back with Haymitch, Katniss and Jasper sit in the two extra seats in the very back. Haymitch sits beside me. We fly down the streets. It takes about an hour before we get to the training building. We sit in silence the whole way there. There are people all along the streets watching the car go by screaming with excitement as we fly down the road. When we do get there, I'm glad, its about 3:00  in the afternoon. I'm starting t get a little bit hungry. As we pull up beside the building I am astonished, its huge. We get out of the car and walk in. As we walk in I slowly turn in a circle taking in all the sights. The floor is white marble, and there are four giant glass elevators, to my right there are two dark green sofa's facing each other with a small black table between them. The carpet under them is brown and red. I didn't know I was walking towards it until Jasper grabbed my hand and pulled me in the right direction. Diamond pressed the button, and the doors opened,

"The floors go in order to the Districts" she said,

"So like Seven gets floor seven?" Jasper asks.

"Precisely" Diamond says enthusiasticly. She presses the button with and R on it. Butterflies flutter in my stomach when the car shoots into the ground, and I'm temporarily thrown off balance,

"Where's that going to take us?" I ask when I stable myself,

"President Snow thinks its a good idea to have the Remake Center in the same building that you guys will be staying in. Just like how the floors work there will be rooms for every one of you. One room for Cassandra and one room for Jasper, same with the other Districts." she smiles, looking proud. I look out the glass of the elevator, all I saw was rocks, and dirt. I thought of the Coal Mines back home. How mom is doing with Ave if their keeping fed. I feel a hand on my shoulder,

"Cassandra, they'll be fine" Jasper whispers in my ear. I turn back to face the doors. He doesn't understand. He's never had to take care of someone other than himself. When the elevator stops I almost fall, Jasper catches my arm just as my knees buckle. I regain my balance just as the doors open with a ding and we walk into a long corridor one wall pink and one wall blue.

"We will see you at the parade" smiles Diamond. Then the doors close and I see the elevator shoot towards the sky. We walk to the end and I see the doors with the big Twelve on them. I walk to the one in the pink wall,

"Well I'll see you at the parade." Winks Jasper, mimicking Diamond.

"I'll see you at the parade." I say opening the door, stepping into the room.

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