Chapter 14 Starting Over

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Jungkook runs over to the unrecognizable body.

Jungkook-"What did they do to you!?!"

"Zico did you do that?"

Zico nods.

Zico-"It had to be done. You know that you two couldn't stay together. It is better if he forgets and moves on."

"I understand."

I get up and head back to Zico's place. 

"But how will I be able to move on?"

*back at Zico's*

U kwon-"Princess whats with the face. Zico! Did you upset my baby girl!"

"U kwon I am fine."

Zico-"Don't mind her she just saw what happened to the bodies."

Taeil-"It's for the best Rory."

I nod and head inside U kwon's room. It's still the same since the last time I was in here.

U kwon-"Hey do you want to talk?"


U kwon takes a seat on the bed. He pats beside him. I walk over and sit next to him.

U kwon-"I know your hurting but we are here for you... even though you beat the crap out of us."

"Hey you pissed me off first."

U kwon-"Says the one who ditched us to go solo."

"You guys couldnt have just stayed behind me all the time. I wanted to make you guys more independent."

U kwon-"I know but we still missed you alot. Hey I want to show you something come with me."

He takes my hand. 

U kwon-"Hey guys can we show Princess the song we made about her."


"You guys sing?"

Kyung-"Its a hobby."

They take me inside a big room with a piano. B bomb goes and starts playing.

In a few years later, after today
After all the time has gone by
Would each of us have become our own person
and be living well
After I'm done longing for you
for as much as I can and have been hurt enough
At that time, I need to let go of your hand

What was that thing that made us meet
And that thing became the reason why we separated
While wiping my wet eyes and my memories that have piled dust
I'm searching for something I can blame myself with

Everything will find its place
I act like I'm cool with it and they go along with it
I talk about the uselessness of love
But in other people's eyes I'm just a pitiful guy
This kind of thing is commonly called
Freedom or liberation
That's wrong since imprisonment begins after parting
It's never something that you can just move on from
Because there's no doubt that this place existed

In a few years later, after today
After all the time has gone by
Would each of us have become our own person
and be living well
After I'm done longing for you
for as much as I can and have been hurt enough
At that time, I need to let go of your hand

The memories are just as they were, without aging
Lazy me, I haven't sorted out my feelings
Living while looking backwards
Could there be something as terrifying as tomorrow
It would be better if it was hatred or resentment

I thought it was just a sudden rain shower
I thought it was feelings that
would dry after being wet for just a moment
But I, who isn't even timid
Whenever I try to grab you to take you out
I just keep putting you inside
My heart became messy as I was just laying out excuses
While trying to pull it together, the night had gone by
You, who said that you never wanted to become a burden
Left after leaving a separation like this

In a few years later, after today
After all the time has gone by
Would each of us have become our own person
and be living well
After I'm done longing for you
for as much as I can and have been hurt enough
At that time, I need to let go of your hand

No longer can the relationship between you and I
be called 'us'
Just a few days
If I was given just a few days

I want to hold you tightly and tell you
It's because I'm crazy
I might look like I'm fine
But this is me holding it all in
How could the most precious part of me be taken away
Without a drop of blood
I, who was all yours
Am now a beggar
You, who is brazenly living and breathing inside me
What can I do to bury you in my heart

In a few years later, after today
After all the time has gone by
When each of us have become our own person
Then we will know
Even though I long for you as much as I can
We were unforgettable

"That was amazing!"

U kwon-"I knew you would like it."

Jaehyo-"Well I carried most of the team."

Taeil-"No it was my angelic vocals that swayed her."

U kwon-"Princess definitely liked me the best."

Zico-"Calm down anyways its getting late lets get Rory to bed."

They all sighed.

Zico-"Plus we all know my rapping was the best."


Zico-"Damn harsh critics."

"Says the harshest critic of them all."

Zico-"Hehe you got me."

U kwon-"Princess thats our house warming gift to you."

"What do you mean?"

Kyung-"Lets start back from scratch. Like the old days. Lets start over."

Run (Bts Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora