Chapter 5 Block B

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*week later*

I start to do intense training. I haven't gotten any rest since that day Bts left.

"I won't let a rookie group get me in such a silly situation again."

I then hear some noise out in the back. I walk over and see no one. Out of nowhere and arrow comes flying past my face. I dodge it.

"If you think you can hit me with that stupid little arrow then you are wrong!"

I pick the arrow up and see a piece of paper attached to it. I unfolded it to see some writing.

"Dear Miss Roulette,

You are now going to regret messing with us. Even though we weren't that skilled back then we have grown since then. We are now acting on revenge come to our hideout at midnight tonight. I know you will find it without any problem so I won't give you the address. And if you decide not to come to this little gathering the one you treasure the most will get hurt.

Love Yours Truly U kwon

P.S. I miss you so much :)"

Damn that stupid idiot is at it again. U kwon you stupid piece of shit still thinking he can get a piece of me.

"Shit. But who are these love ones you speak of U kwon."

I am curious on which innocent soul that he thinks is close to me. Might as well to see my old little toys. Lets see if anyone fixed you guys up.


I finally made it to there hideout. It is in the woods so I am just hanging out in the trees waiting for them to come out of there little cabin. Seven guys come out of the cabin. I see an unfamiliar face. Wait thats Zico the famous gangster from the east coast. I used to work with him in the black market. 

"So your the guy who fixed this little toys."

U kwon-"Where is she. I want to see her. She is going to come right?"

Kyung-"Don't worry she will come."

Zico-"Shut the fuck up. You freakin whiny babies. She will never come with the amount of noise you guys are making."

U kwon-"Sorry..."

Hm interesting Zico seems like a nice leader but some things can't be fixed. i jumped down from the tree landing in front of Zico.

"Hello Ji Ho. Long time no see."

Zico-"You know I don't like being called by my real name."

"But its so cute."

I start to tease him and the rest of Block B just stood in awe.

"Anyways what do you imbeciles want."

Taeil-"Obviously we want revenge for you taking everything from us and leaving us to fend for ourselves."

"You guys need to grow up. Now the reason why I came was for the person you were talking about in the letter."

U kwon-"Oh that... well there is more then one person."

"Who then show me the idiots who claim to be close to me."

Zico-"Get them."

P.O and B-Bomb go back in the cabin. They then come out with Zelo and Bts.

"Hehe really these are the people."

Jaehyo-"Whats so funny."

"I don't care what you do to them, they are now of my concern."

U kwon-"So you don't like any of them."


U kwon-"Yes! Now I can have you all to myself."

"Woah there thats not happening."

U kwon-"If you won't be together with me then that means I will have to take by force."

"I will like to see you try."

Zico then walks away and watches what they would do next.

Kyung comes first and takes out a pair of knives.

"Kyung do you really think that is going to stop me."

Kyung-"Well we have to wait and see don't we."

He throws the knife towards my arm and i easily dodge it.

"Is that the best you got."

i could see him starting to get angry. The thing with Kyung is the more angry he gets the worse his aim is. he tries agin and misses.

"Wow Kyung you really haven't improved since i last saw you. I even think you have gotten worse."

That was the final straw. He grabs a handful of knives and starts to throw them one after another. I just stood there waiting for his little tantrum to be over.

"You missed all of the throws and id dint even have to move a single muscle. You still are the same pathetic little boy that couldnt do shit."

Kyung then falls on his knees and tears were falling down his face.

Jaehyo steps up with a bow.

"Jaehyo this isn't the Hunger Games and you are definitely not like Katniss."

Jaehyo-"Shut up."

He shoots and I dodge. This is getting really boring so I grabs a knife from my back pocket. It was coated with a paralyzing poison. I throw it towards his shooting arm.


He falls and lays completely still.

B-Bomb-"Jaehyo are you okay!"

He runs over trying to treat him while I throw another one at P.O.

U kwon-"Stop being such a bitch!"

"Oooo you finally snapped. U kwon you always look way more manly that way."

That is a complete lie.

U kwon-"Wait you really think so."

"Yeah and I think I change my mind I really want us to be together."

U kwon-"Rory you finally realized your love for me."

"Yes now why don't you give me a hug."

U kwon-"Of course."

I take a glance at Zico. He smirks. When U kwon comes to give me a hug I take a knife from up my sleeve and stab him in the chest missing his heart by a few inches.

"Yes U kwon I realized my love of extreme hatred towards you."

He falls to the ground bleeding heavily.

"Zico I think you can take care of the rest."

He nods. I walked over to the Zelo and Bts.

"Now look whose tied up."

Jimin-"Shut up."

"You should watch your mouth or I will let Zico do what he wants to you."

Zico gives a smirk before carrying U kwon back to the cabin.

Zelo-"Rory can you just please hurry up and untie this."

"Shut up you got yourself in this situation why don't you try to get yourself out."

Zelo-"Come on you know you don't want to leave me with Zico."

"Maybe you don't know me well enough then."

I walk away.

Jungkook-"Please can you untie."

Shit that guy. I turn around and face them.


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