Chapter 1 Run!

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Hello my name is Aurora but people call me Rory for short. I am eighteen years old and I grew up with no parents or friends, I was always alone. This caused me to do terrible things. My nicknames among gangs is Roulette or Roxy Roulette. People say if you come across Miss Roulette just like what the nickname suggests thats its a gamble, you don't know what to expect. 

So I am walking in the middle of the night in LA. Not the smartest thing to do when you are alone and a female but as you know I am pretty capable of taking care of my self. 

Unknown-"Oh look who we have here."

I turn around to face a gang. The Immortals. Thunder there gang leader looks at me with big eyes. Ew he thinks he can have this. Disgusting.


Thunder-"Why don't you come with us, we can have some fun."


I started to walk away knowing that communicating with those brainless fools wouldn't do me any good.

Thunder-"Hey! Don't ignore us you bitch."

He harshly grabs my shoulder blade and turns me to face him. I calmly took his hand and twisted his arm. I threw him into the wall making sure that his face collided with the wall first.

Thunder-"Bitch! Kill her you assholes stop watching!"

The rest of the gang then started to chase me.

"Hehe these idiots think they can catch me thats funny."

I keep running until I bump into someone. 


I quickly got up and continued to run around until I reached the corner. I see the guy I bumped into with six other guys. They all start looking my way. Then the gang comes and approaches the seven guys.

Thunder-"Have you seen a girl passing through here."

Guy 1-"Um..."

Guy 2-"No, we haven't."

Thunder-"Your lying. Tell me the truth or he dies."

He points to the guy I bumped into.

Guy 2-"But we really didn't see a girl."

Thunder-"Maybe this will spark a memory."

Thunder pulls out a gun. The group of guys panicked.

Guy 2-"We don't know! We swear!"

Why are they covering for me, they don't even know me.

Thunder-"Well that isn't a good answer."

He aims the gun at the guys head.


They turn there heads and I come running.

"You only want me so don't hurt them."

Thunder-"Hehe cute how you think you can protect these guys but they have already seen to much."


The guys still didn't move.

"Do you not understand english I said RUN."

One of the guys talks in another language and they start running.

Thunder-"Fools don't let them escape I will deal with the bitch."

"No I don't think so."

I take off running after the group with the gang right on our tails. 

"Follow me."

The group looks surprised that I caught up so quickly but the guy who I think is the only guy who understands english translated. Is he speaking korean. Wait this isn't the time to be thinking that I need to bring these guys to safety. We continued running until I reached the abandoned building that I stay at.

"Get inside quickly. And don't come out until I say its safe."

The guys quickly explains and they all get inside.

"Now its time to kick some butt."

The gang finally catches up.

"Took you guys long enough. You guys should really work out if you want to have any chance of becoming a decent gang."

Thunder-"What did you say?"

"I said why did it take so long to get your fat asses over here!"

Thunder-"Get her."

Little did they know that Miss Roulette doesn't play fair. The guys all came up on me at once but I used there rage against them causing them all to hurt themselves leaving me without a single scratch.

Thunder-"Fine you want to play dirty then we will play dirty too."

They all pull out there guns.

"Ah thats no fair, are you that unconfident to beat one single girl with you bear hands."

Thunder-"Thats it I had enough of your bullshit."

He pulls the trigger but I deflect it with a dagger.


"Hehe obviously your new. But let me introduce myself I am Roxy Roulette. Too bad you won't be able to tell anyone what you saw though."

I approach him and stab him in the chest a few centimeters away from the heart so that I don't kill him instantly. 

"So who's next?"

The rest of the Immortals flee. Thunder then drops to the ground dead. 

"So much for being immortal."

I head back inside the building.

Hey you guys this is my third fanfic so make sure to check out my other stories as well. So thank you for reading and if you enjoyed please vote and comment. Bye for now!  

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