Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

I start a new school today. Father enrolled me without me knowing. I want to scream and yell at him, but that would only do more harm than good. He wants me to make connections with other rich brats. I'm going to miss my friends.


Dear Diary,

It's the end of my first day of school and I hate it there. Everyone is fake and wants something from someone. Father wants me to make 'friends' though and it'd be best not to anger him. I wish Momma was still alive. She'd listen to me.


Dear Diary,

Father hit me today. It was my fault. I shouldn't of made him mad. I was going through Momma's things... I couldn't help it. I miss her so much and I was just trying to remember what she smelt like. I'm scared. I'm starting to forget the sound of her laugh and the way she would sing to me. If I didn't have a picture of her, I'm afraid I would've forgotten what she looked like a long time ago.

I think Father was more angry at the fact that I was wearing one of her dresses. I just wanted to feel pretty. The girls at school look so beautiful and I wanted to look like that too.

Diary, why can't I feel pretty too?


Dear Diary,

Today was strange.

I was wandering the school and came across an abandoned music room. It turned out to be not so abandoned. It held a group of boys.

I stood there for awhile and waited for one of them to notice me. I didn't want to go home and they seemed entertaining.

A tiny blond boy noticed me first. He invited me over to have cake with him. I didn't want to at the time, but I'm glad I did. It was fun. For the first time in forever I did something without my Father ordering me to and it felt good.

Apparently the music room was used as a Host Club, a place where girls went to be entertained by men. I think the taller blond, Tamaki if I remember correctly, was offended when I said that it was basically a whore house.

There were a total of 7 boys in the room. Twins named Hikaru and Kaoru, a guy with glasses called Kyoya, Tamaki, Honey the small blond, Mori a huge male, and Haruhi a feminine male.

They told me that today was just a meeting and every other day of the week they hosted. I asked if I could visit and they said I could.

Diary, maybe this school isn't so bad after all?


Dear Diary,

The Host Club was so fun. I'm glad I decided to go back. My Father almost didn't let me go until I told him who was in the club. I guess those boys came from some of the higher families.

I did something I shouldn't have done today also. I stole some makeup from a girl in my class. Father would never let me go buy makeup and I really wanted to try it. It's not that much. Just some eyeliner and some lipstick.

I tried it on a few minutes ago and I can't stop looking at myself. For once, I like what I see in the mirror.

Diary, do you think I'll be able to one day do what I want to without retaliation from my father?


Hi guys! This is another Ouran fic even tho I'm still writing my other one. With this one you're just going to have to guess a ton of stuff and I think it'll be fun. Also since it is diary format these chapters will be small.

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