Damian Wayne x reader part 2!

Start from the beginning

*time skip to morning*

       Lord Wayne allowed 5 men to escort me back to Costoras. When we returned, the Kings guard escorted me to the throne room. Father looked angry, very angry. 

       "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?" he shouted, I said nothing, "RUNNING OFF WITH MY BEST KNIGHT IN TRAINING AND HOPING YOU CAN HAVE A LIFE WITH HIM?!" Father shouted again, he let out a frustrated groan, "Y/n, my dear, why do this?" "wouldn't you do the same if Mother were still alive?" I asked, Father stiffened when I mentioned Mother, "do not ever speak of your mother," he said "why?" I asked "is it because she got beheaded by Grandfather when he found out you were sleeping with her?" I asked "and when he found you and Mother had me?" I added, Father clenched his knuckles in anger, "do. not. mention. your. mother," he growled "or what?" I asked "you're going to behead me too?" I asked "what will the people of Costoras think of you?" "ENOUGH! take her back to her room till the wedding," Father snapped "WEDDING?!" I shouted, Father didn't say anything while the guards dragged me out. 

       Maids came rushing in and out of my room, all of them asking if I needed anything but I said nothing. Soon, night came, I pulled out a knife from a drawer, it belonged to my mother once, I pulled out paper and a quill, I started writing, once I finished I tied the note to a bird's leg "to Damian," I whispered and the bird flew off. 

       'Damian, forgive me, I love you,' I thought and brought the knife to my stomach. I bit my lip hard preventing myself from screaming. I pulled the knife out again and dropped it, yes, please claim me death. Damian, forgive me.

Damian's pov

       I looked out of the window again, Y/n is on my mind day and night. A bird came flying to my window, I undid the note and unrolled the paper. It said:


       Forgive me, I had to do it, I know you will be heartbroken by the time you finish reading this. I already done it after I finished writing this note, I will be joining my mother soon, maybe I'll see your grandfather too. I hope the woman you marry will be beautiful and give you wonderful children, all I ask for is you naming your daughter after me if you have one, goodbye, Damian Wayne.

Y/n L/n

       Oh no, she..... killed herself? I quickly grabbed my jacket and scabbard, I grabbed my stead and took off "LORD WANYE!!" a guard shouted as I left, Y/n is what's important right now.

3rd person view

       A maid screamed at the sight of the young princess of Costoras, "QUICKLY!! GET UP HERE!!" she screamed "SOMEONE MURDERED PRINCESS Y/N!!" guards came rushing up to the young princess' room, the king pushed his way in. 

       Once he saw his daughter's lifeless body he slid to his knees and pulled his daughter close, "no," he murmured "NO!!" he shouted.

Damian's pov

       By the time I made it to Costoras everyone is buzzing the news around "Princess Y/n had killed herself," "no, an assassin killed her last night," "no, that knife she was stabbed with belonged to her mother," I urged the stead even faster. 

       I reached Y/n's window, with a grappling hook I tossed it up and it latched onto her windowsill. I started climbing, once up I swung myself up to her bedroom, I found Y/n alone in her bedroom, her once beautiful s/c skin is now pale, she is wearing a white dress, around her neck is a necklace for the gods that she and her father believes in wanting for her soul to have mercy and peace. I walked over to her and dropped to my knees, tears slowly poured down my cheeks "the gods are harsh," I whispered "they're always harsh, I thought because of our love they will let us live in peace and happiness, our children will run free across the yard of the Wayne house. Where we can be present of the weddings of our children, grandchildren and where we will die together, instead, the Gods were harsh, they took you from me. My only love, my heart will never seek for another women, my heart will always seek for you. Every time I am looking for someone it will be you then I realize you aren't there for me anymore because the Gods decided you and I aren't made for each other," I said softly, I kissed her soft cold lips one last time and left. 

       Just when I was about to jump out of the window I heard movement, I looked back to see Y/n.... awake? "Damian?" she whispered.

Before waking up

       So, this is what death is like, just peace, I feel no pain. 

       "Y/n?" said a young woman's voice, I looked to the owner of the voice, a young woman that looks just like me but has y/m/e eyes "w-who are you?" I asked "Y/n, I'm your mother," she said "Mother?" I repeated "yes," she said "walk with me," I quickly caught up with her. "It seems you killed yourself," said Mother "why?" "Father betrothed me to a boy I do not wish to marry," I said "and you are in love with another boy," Mother caught on "yes," I said "the boy is Damian Wayne," I stopped walking and stared at my mother, "ho-?" I began "you didn't think I wasn't watching you did you?" Mother asked stopping as well, "I was watching you day and night, I watched you grow up, I watched you meet Damian for the first time, I watched you have your first kiss with him, I watched you run away with him hoping you can have a life with him," Mother said "once you wake up again you and Damian will have a life together far away from Costoras and his own town, you both will live in peace and happiness," said Mother "what about Father?" I asked "I will deal with him," Mother said "now," she said walking over to me, "awaken," she said softly. 

       She pressed her index and middle finger against my forehead and darkness claimed me.

After waking up

       Damian was squeezing the life out of me, his face buried in my neck. 

       "I thought I had lost you," he whispered "you didn't," I said, I managed to pry Damian off of me and checked my wound, it healed, "thank you, Mother," I whispered "Mother?" Damian repeated "when I was "dead" I somehow met my mother, she talked to me for a bit and told me to wake up, she must've healed my wounds while I was out," I said "she also said she'll send us far away from here," I said softly, Damian took my hand, "what do yo-?" he began and we both disappeared. 

       We appeared in a yard in front of a large house 'welcome home, Y/n,' Mother's voice echoed in my head 'thank you so much, Mother,' I said in my thoughts. Damian squeezed my hand and we both entered.

                                 *time skip*       Many years have passed by, Damian and I got married in secret, we have 4 beautiful children

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                                 *time skip*
       Many years have passed by, Damian and I got married in secret, we have 4 beautiful children. The oldest to youngest is

Richard James Wayne
Y/m/n Maria Wayne
Jason William Wayne
Jessamine Sophie Wayne

       Richard looks just like his father except he has my eyes, he has his father's personality but a small hint of my own. Y/m/n is more like me but has her father's eyes with my personality. Jason is a mixture of Damian and me, he has a mix of Damian's and mine skin color, a mixture of our hair color, but his eyes are bright green, his personality can change like a mood swing. Jason is rather a grumpy child when his father pays attention to his older siblings rather than himself, he's an attention whore. Jessamine is a true princess when she wants to be, she acts like a princess and she expects to be treated like one. Our children are unique, we're all unique in our own ways and that's what I love the most.

Wow, this is like, the longest one shot ever. If any of you get the names that I choose I love you, you are officially my internet bestie aside from DiamondTiara37, you don't even know where I got those names from. If you know those names comment! the names I'm talking about are William, James, Sophie, and Jessamine.

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