"You look... " I didn't even have words.

The people around us snickered and soon they were full out laughing. Megan frowned.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" I said angrily. They were ruining it. They were ruining Megan's Halloween. It took a lot of courage on her part to dress up like that and they were smashing her confidence.

"Stop," I said, glaring at them.

"What were you thinking dressing up like that?" Amy sneered.

Megan looked like she was about to cry, but was trying everything to hold it back.

"She looks like someone covered her in tar," another girl said and they broke out in another fit of laughter. Those bitches!

Megan looked up and saw Brooke laughing too, hurt and betrayal crossed her face before she turned and ran away.

I gave Brooke a disappointed look before going after her. It took me a lot of time finding her in such a crowded place. Noel had gone over board this year. The whole house was decorated with candles and pumpkins and every here and there you would find something spooky. His parties were always the best, but still I saw many faces I didn't recognize.

At last I found her sitting on a swing in the backyard. The same swing Evan and I had got drunk the last time Noel threw a party. It seemed so long ago, but really it was just a few weeks.

My steps halted when I noticed she wasn't alone. Noel was with her. Noel was this cute guy with messy hair who looked like he just had an amazing party night, which he probably did most of the time. She didn't look sad anymore, but was smiling as Noel said something to her.

I backed away, not wanting to disturb whatever was going on. I bumped on someone.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I turned around.

"Jack Sparrow," Woody said.

"Captain Jack Sparrow," I corrected.

Asher smirked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Adding to the awesomeness of the party?" he grinned cheekily.

It was weird. As far as I knew he avoided going to parties at all costs. What changed?

I decided not to go there because it was a dangerous territory and I planned on enjoying tonight.

"What's Ashton come as?" I asked instead.

"Oh he is a zombie," he replied and pointed inside where I could barely make out a person walking like a zombie from the wide glass doors. If he was Ashton he really did a good job on that make up. He looked unrecognizable and dead.

"Let's go inside," I said. I peeked a last glance at Megan to make sure she was okay and went inside.

"You coming?" I asked Asher when he didn't make a move to follow me. He hesitated before nodding.

"You know what? Let's stay here. It's nice outside," I said and walked to the other side of the massive backyard, more like a back garden. There were hardly any people here, the few who were here were far too busy to pay any attention to us.

I wondered if Evan was here. He was supposed to meet me half an hour ago. We walked until I found a bench and sat down, patting the space beside me for him to sit. He looked ridiculous in his yellow cowboy costume, but cute.

"So, what changed your mind?" I asked. I know I had decided to move go there, but I couldn't help myself. Maybe now that something had changed between us he would tell me.

Asher's Heart Where stories live. Discover now