Chapter one

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Hello, everyone! Here's the next exciting chapter! Just keep in mind, this is during the serpentine season, where Lloyd is still a kid and Cole still acted semi-mature.(Sorry Cole fans =D) Alright, I won't hold you up any longer. Enjoy!

Lloyd's eyes fluttered open, revealing a dark room lit only by the faint glow of a white crystal hanging from the ceiling. He glanced at Cole beside him, who groaned and slowly sat up. Lloyd shuffled over to Cole. "Cole? W-where are we?" Cole frowned, observing the room, and then gave Lloyd the un-satisfying answer of, "I don't know." Near them, Kai hauled himself to his feet and walked over to them with Zane. Zane glanced around. "Is everyone okay?" Cole froze. "Has anyone seen Jay?" Kai nodded towards the direction of Jay, who was still lying on the floor. "He's over here. I guess he hasn't woken up yet." Lloyd shuddered. Or he's dead... "Jay?" Cole asked, hoping to wake him up. Jay's eyes suddenly snapped open, and he leaped to his feet. "Where am I?" Jay questioned, briefly scanning the room. Kai shrugged in response. Jay relaxed when he noticed his teammates. Cole took a deep breath. "We have to find a way to get out of here." Jay glared at Cole and sarcastically muttered, "There are so many options..." Cole ignored Jay and commanded everyone, "Start looking for a way, any way, to get us out of here." Though Lloyd figured escape would be impossible, he began searching. He knocked on all of the walls, listening to see if they were hollow. None were. The other ninja did the same, but their results were the same as Lloyd's. He watched Zane scrutinize the floor, possibly hoping to find some form of trapdoor. Jay used his lightning powers to fly up and examine the roof, but dropped back down to the floor after thoroughly searching. Cole summoned all of his strength and punched the wall. Nothing. In a final attempt, Kai used his fire powers to try to burn a hole in the wall, but the fire bounced off as if it had been nothing. Jay groaned. "Why does no one ever listen to me? That's why we're here in the first place. said we shouldn't fight those serpentine today. If we hadn't, we wouldn't have fallen into that portal in the first place! But no, everyone else insisted we should, and look where we are now? An awesome position your decisions just put us in! Nice "leadership skills"(you wish) Cole! And I-" Lloyd tried his hardest not to listen to Jay, and instead, watched Kai's fire, which bounced from wall to wall until it barley missed him. Lloyd gasped. "Zane! Put it out!" Zane nodded and shot a blast of snow at the fire. Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief. Lloyd noticed Cole bending down to pick up something. Cole held up a partly scorched piece of paper. "Hey guys! Look what I found!" Everyone gathered around Cole, searching the paper for some kind of clue for escape. Jay let out a short, irritated sigh. "It's in some kind of weird language. Give it up, Cole." Zane took the paper from Cole, and frowned. "I believe I can understand it. Though, part of the side is burned off. Everyone glared at Kai. Zane quickly said, "I'll skip over the burnt parts. Not much is burnt. It translates..          

 'Hello, Ninja. You are in the first stage. In order to ever return                                                                      to Ninjago, you must travel from...............................................                                                                           world, there will be an object you must ...................................                                                                         Touch the object, and you will be transported to the next world.                                                                   A white crystal will be your first object. Good luck.' "                                                                                          Lloyd stared at the paper, wondering how Zane had read all of that. Almost automatically, all of the ninja stared up at the small, white crystal hanging from the ceiling. Jay fired a bolt of lightning and broke the chain it was hanging from, sending the crystal to the ground with a muffled clink. The ninja nervously exchanged quick glances. "Should we touch it...?" Lloyd ventured. Cole nodded. "Let's do this!" Cole, Zane, Kai, Jay, and Lloyd all shouted, "Ninja-Go!" and touched the crystal at the same time. The room was illuminated by a flash of white light, and a huge explosion knocked Lloyd backwards.

Author's note: What's with the explosion? Do the ninja survive?! Meh. of course they do, I've only started the book. :P Where do the ninja end up? Post in the comments if you liked it!(Or if you didn't like it, and have a tip or something) Until next time!

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