Chapter 7: Pancakes !

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"Uhm everything ok with..." before I even end what I was saying he interrupts me
" yeah everything is fine" he says
" ok I..I have to go to the bathroom soo" Adam then says
" And you're telling us this why ?" I say. I mean who announces when he wants to go to the bathroom am I right? Weird kid !
And after that he leaves...leaving me and Grayson alone in the kitchen .
At first we weren't talking until Grayson broke the silence
" I'll prepare the guest room for you it's upstairs in the end of the hallway. " I nod
"If you feel like you need anything just tell me " he says and after that he turns his back in order to leave
" thank you" I say to him and for a sec he freezes but then continues his way

After that I started preparing the pancakes . Mmm they turned out delicious ! I placed them on plates and then I opened the freezer to choose the perfect ice cream flavour. I decided to go with straciatella a perfect combination.
I took my plate with my delicious looking pancakes with ice cream and made my way to the living room. Adam was sitting on the couch watching tv , Grayson was up looking through the window and James...wasn't anywhere . He must be upstairs.
I then sat on the couch next to Adam without giving him a single glance but eating my meal .
He started staring me so I asked him
" what ?"
" wasn't you supposed to make some for us too ?" He asks
" yeah..."
"And I made " i say while I take a bite
" And where are they ?" He asks
" In the kitchen " i say
" And why didn't you brought them here ?" He asks
" Well I think I am the guest over here don't I ? I'm not gonna be your freaking maid I might cooked for you but I'm not gonna serve you too. If you want them you can go and get them ." I say and he just raises an eyebrow.
" you have serious problems you know that ?" He says
" Fine if you don't want them just don't go  "I say while I start leaking my fork.
" ok fine you won " he finally says and gets up in order to get the pancakes so I take the chance to change the channel . I was switching them until I found one of my favourite shows 'Bing Bang Theory' yasss.
Then Grayson comes closer and sits next to me.
" you really enjoy to piss off people don't you ?" He says
" Well...I might enjoy it a little " i say with an evil smile
" I think i died and went to heaven " i then hear Adam saying while chewing lowdly
" nahh I don't think so if so we would be having a party right now " Grayson says haha well who's the sarcastic one now ?!
" Shut up and try her pancakes " he says while giving him his plate and continue to violently eating his.
I see Grayson taking a bite with his fork and I'm literally staring to see his reaction . I don't even know why !?
When I hear him moan I understand that my work here is done
" Soo are they good ?" I ask
" eh I've eaten better " he says. And I take a 'what !?!' expression
" kidding, they're great " he says while leaning back and continues to eat.
I then hear footsteps and I see James coming
"Mmm James here take this " Adam says while giving him a plate
" what's this" he asks . Well like how it looks like smartass ?
" Angela made us pancakes here try them" huh Adam must really loved them.
James took his plate said a simple "thank you" ,I don't know if it was for me or Adam.., and sat on the dinner table.
Then Adam jumped on the couch and sat next to me from my left. So Grayson's sitting on my right and Adam on my left....hmm under different circumstances I would really enjoy that...

We finished our meals in silence until I spotted a PS4...Oh yeah !

" I see you have a PS4 over there " i say
" yeahh. Why do you wonna play ?" Adam says and at this moment I hear Graysons phone ringing and he stands up and leaves in order to speak..

" soo ?" Adam says
" hm oh yeah yeah i want " I say
" Well I don't think that you'll like any of these games though. Plus their kinda old cause we don't play too often." He says while he grabbs the games and places them on the couch .
I watch them all and Im like
"No. No . No eh ew no"
"Will you ever find something that you like ?"
" wait ! Yeah this !" I say while I'm showing the game I chose
" Mortal Kombat ? Are you serious ?" He says in an unbelievable tone
" uhm yeah why ?" I say
" Well this game is full off violence blood and wrestles. I wouldn't describe it as girls favourite game " he says and honestly he has a point but what can I say I'm weird
" Are you kidding me ? I love this game ! I'm a baddass and kick guys asses what's better that that ? I say and he still looks kinda confused but he finally puts it in.

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