This may be the End

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"I never loved you in the first place" I lied to her. Her face was pale and shaken, her eyes pricked with tears. Her voice started to choke up and come out to a sob....then, she started laughing. She laughed and laughed until her body and voice was at a complete stop.

"I should've known. That all this," she pointed between us and then back to her, "was all a lie, a fake. The feelings I had sensed were wrong? I don't believe that...." she paused and took a glance at me for a moment.

"Stop lying to me...Toby....I know you still love me after what you did..."

I gulped silently and pulled down my goggles and lifted up my Mouth guard.

"Ya' know Toby. You should really know who you want as a beloved. OF all the people in that 'mansion' you chose me. All those rugged rooms filled with pretty girls, no, WOMEN, who share a lot of things with you. Like Clockwork, why did you decide to break her heart. To be with mine and to soon break it?"

"No...that wasn't my intention...i meant to be in a relationship, but I didn't want you to see the cheerful lie that all are displayed upon those faces. Most of us wear masks for a hide ourselves." My words came out somewhat muffled underneath my mouth guard. She looked at me with so much disbelief and anger that she ran up to me and started clawing at me. Her teeth all of a sudden grew long and sharp.

My eyes didn't want to be with what she had become. A Monster. But I know in my heart...somewhere I feel something...I just lay there. As she just tries to rip my jacket. I push her off and look at her and she landed in the bush next to the tree of hanging flashlights.

"Why. Why. Why?!?" She cried out to me.
"Why. What?"

"WHY DIDNT YOU KILL ME WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE? why did you make me have to suffer all this? I didn't ask for this.." she said as she laid back onto the tree.

"I didn't even know you came into the old school...until I heard a loud noise from the closet..."

"What are you saying...." she glares at me. As if I were the cause of all her trauma. I did axe murder her parents, and did chase after her. But I was called back. I meant to kill her, and take Sally..."home"...

"I'm saying that you chose to join us. You choose to follow. You didn't have to follow Clockwork into the woods and run into this place. When you found out who we really weren't scared, for long. You accepted the fact how you're a-"

"Freak? A monster?....a murderer.?" She interrupted. The way she held herself, was almost worthy of a Straight jacket. Her arms were wrapped around herself like snakes, her hair moved in the wind like flimsy branches.

"Yeah...why don't I let you talk. I've been doing all the talking...."

"Why don't you just kill me already, get my sorry ass over with. I don't deserve this life, I didn't mean for all this to happen, I didn't want all this to be the way it had been for 10 years...."

"You've brought this upon your self-"

"You said it was my turn to shut up."

So I did. And I stood there. Watching her pace around in circles, squares, triangles, even figure 8's around me And around a bunch of empty space in front of me. Then, she stopped and laid down.

"Toby. You've read my note. Have you not?" She hissed at me, those words almost stung. She patted the spot to where she was laying down. I was almost reluctant at first but she whistled me to go over there. So I sat down.
"Lay down with me you idiot." She pulled me down and I watch her features. So dull eyes, the bags and dark circles didn't even make her look sane. Her hands partially gloved, her sweater rustling as she moved. The moonlight showing me her face. All sad but yet angry at the same time. "Please take off your head gear..." like the obedient dog I was meant to be, I took my goggles and mouth guard down I. Hopes she doesn't do anything crazy like take a clear photo of me. She lays on my chest and I start to freeze up. I don't know what to do. Is she cuddling in me or what. I start twitching under her.

"Toby. You do love me right?"

"I....i don't love you." I lied to her again.

"Stop lying to me, when I know the truth."

"Then....Why bother asking me?" I start feeling her fingers wandering my body.

"Whoa there. I'm not here for that. You're note said something way different." She looked at me. And laid back down.

"Fine...i guess you'll never know what it's be with a woman like me..."

"Someone needs to calm themselves..."

The silence drew upon us like we were never in the woods, but in a dark room filled with leaves of paper and the stench of dying bodies with the scent of copper and smoked wood. It's hard to say that the smell was pleasant, but it is also hard to say that it wasn't as well. We just laid there and I started getting more twitchy and spastic. She started giggling and takes my goggles from me.

"Hey, b-bring those b-back." She placed them on her eyes and smeared a red fluid on them.

"So this is what you see when you get blood all over you. A really dark brown?" When I saw her smear the blood on them I start to feel a weird trickle down my side. I pat my side as she stood up. She started laughing and laughing at me. She starts calling me the old names that she used to call me, even the nicknames from back then in Elementary school. "TICCI Toby, twitchy Toby, ticci toby! AHAHAHA" she starts laughing again and again. And I just watch her.

Why am I so weak to her. Why can't I do what she asked of me to do from the note? She didn't say anything besides of what the note said. But she didn't tell me when she wanted me to do it. She's confusing me, making fun of me, teasing me, took my goggles placed them on her tiny head and mimicking's all most like she doesn't wanna die but, wants to play.

"Toby! Why are you just sitting there you dummy?" She said.....

"Twitchy Toby! Why aren't you going to play with me?" She said.....

"My ticking ticci Toby time bomb, why won't kill me?" She whined....

She keeps whining and whining for me to kill her.

"(Y/n) you wanna play games with me or you want me to kill you. Choose...." I said in monotone. I honestly don't know how to feel. She makes me weak, but she wants me to kill her because she's done with all this madness. I have to kill her because it was my mission. I want to kill her, but I can't...I can't bring myself to do it.

I trade my hatchets for love
But I got caught in the crossfire,
And she's not giving up
On her death with the sound of birds.
Entirely, my head can speak
The thoughts, only it can mess with, 
And it won't give it up no

No...I have to. For my own sake.

"I want you to kill me in the most fun way possible, Toby"

"Then, I suggest you run."

"A game of Tag? That sounds fun!" She starts running. "Come and get me."

And I run after her. I start swinging at her when I get close enough. Her long matted hair gets easily cut. I lift up my mouth guard and chase after her some more. The more we run, the more weary and tired she gets. I throw my hatchets at her again, I missed, I grab them again and everything starts feeling cold. I keep chasing her and she gets closer every step I run. As she ran, she fell over and laid there of a moment and as I reach her she started crying. She cried words on hysteria, love and sorry. I think she fell into trauma from sickness.

"Kill me. Kill me...." she sobbed as she lifted my hatchet from my hand and aimed it at met neck. "Don't hesitate, please....just do it. I can't handle this anymore." She fell depressed. She tooled at me with grey tears falling from her eyes... "please. Toby, if you love me kill me no-"

So I did. With a swing to her chest, Mid-sentence. No hesitation, no stalling. Just red. I took my goggles from her pretty little head. And placed them upon mine. The warmth of my goggles made my stomach churn, knowing that this warmth was hers. I picked up her body and felt a sense of relief and regret. I murdered the one I love because she wished for it. I felt relief when she said that she loves me. I felt relief when I have to live on without her. No worries, no Anxiety, no relationships. Just me and her body.

I carried her to the tree of hanging flashlights, and kissed her good bye.

I heard her voice in my head.

"Thank, you, Toby."

So I ran.

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