If only...right?

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As (y/n) wakes up from the sound d scraping, she feels that she is on a chair. Tied and strapped on tightly.

"Toby?" She calls as the scraping stopped. She stood still for a moment until the sound of foot steps started to get louder as they approached her. A cold hand pressed on her cheek as she sighed.

"Toby is that you?" She said in a hopeful tone. The cold hand withdrew and stepped back. The sound of scraping came back, this time it was approaching her. The sound of scraping soon became the sound of a sharpened blade. Her breath didn't fail her, her eyes could only see darkness from the blindfold she was wearing. The hand came back again and pressed on her cheek. The hand was warm, rough and damp, as if the owner of the hand was sweating nervously.

"(Y/n)..." The voice of Toby made the murderous girl smile with joy. She wanted to get out but he took her hands and kept them there, behind her on the back of the creaky wooden chair she sat on.

"Toby, what's wrong, what's going on? You are acting so weird-"

"Oh I'm the weird one, says the one who bleeds black when ever she kills someone. What if I'm the normal on here?"

(Y/n) was confused, she didn't know what Toby was thinking, they were talking one moment, then she woke up here. There has to be something wrong.

"Toby, there has to be a reason why you're doing this."

"I can't fucking do this....no Toby you can just do it....but I cant I- agh!!!" He slams his hand on the chair (y/n) is sitting on. Feeling the jolt she almost fell over. Toby grabs the chair and slides is back in its place. In anger he throws is weapon at a barrel in the room. The sound of cracked wood didn't harm her, but the smell of rotten flesh from with in it made her want to vomit.

"Toby?" She said in a hushed whimper."what's going on."

Toby looks at here and takes the blind fold off her. His goggles were on, his mouth guard is off, his eyes looking depressed and Angry.

"What's....going....on....Toby I want a answer now!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Do you really want to know..."

Silence fell into the room again as Toby went back and grabbed his weapon to sharpen it once again.

"Do you really want to know? If you didn't notice-" a small chuckle jumped from Toby's lips, "if only you noticed, I was supposed to kill you, I was supposed to chop you up and serve you to my master. You weren't even supposed to be here, yet you followed your sisters, and fell into This pit of hell. Why did you even want to kill people in the first place? Was it just second nature? That you could get away with it Because we were a house full of crazies who wouldn't give a crap if you even got a hand taken from your own arm. "

"What the hell are you talking about? I've always wanted to kill, and now it's my duty towards the operator-"

"IT WASN'T YOU'RE DUTY TO BEGIN WITH!" Toby sighed angrily and placed his hatchets on the floor. "It was mine, I don't care, I was supposed to kill you, doesn't it even occur to you why people were so nice here? EJ, is nothing but a heartless demon who eats the insides of humans like us! Laughing  Jack is an haunted abandoned doll who took form as a clown and killed his owner for leaving him behind, your sister Natalie, she originally killed her parents and got upset because her god damn boy friend broke up with her. She pretty much was having a bad day and her dad added her to snap. How could you be so daft and call ourself one of us if you don't even know the actual us." Toby paused for breath and sighed." The worst part is that now I didn't do my job on tearing you apart, everyone-even your sisters- are coming after you and want you dead. If I don't kill you, I'll be punished and I hate being the favorite and the pet at the same time. I might as well start now while you are still a brainless little human who thinks that all because she found a new home, it's a new start and a good place to be. This house is full of killers, we are at each others throats 24/7. And if you don't get that, you're might as well dead to all of us."

Y/n didn't respond to Toby's long winded speech. She just sat there, tears pouring out her face and smiling.

"If you want me dead, why didn't you when you first saw me?"

Toby stood still as froze in his tracks. He leaned on the wall and then walked over to her with a sad expression.

"That's because I like you."


"I like you, I want to kill you but i can't. But if I don't, I die."

"You can't be serious." (Y/n) shook her head and looked down. All those times when Toby helped her, that time when they almost done it in a rusty old truck, all that speech to release frustration and unreleased emotions, he chooses now is a good time to be a little dog about it.

"I..." Toby looked at (y/n) as she spoke ,"I like you too, Toby."

She smiles and Toby looks at her in awe, but then goes back to his regular face, his eyes point down, his face looking indifferent and shakes his head. Eye brows furrowed he shakes is head wen more, he cracks his knuckles and looks at her.

"Even if you accept my feelings, even if we do feel the same about each other. We can not be together."

(Y/n)'s heart almost shattered into more pieces, hearing those words from Toby makes her want to jump out the boarded up window. Knowing how they can't  exactly die, she can't do that without having Toby to stop her.

"I'm sorry, but it's either I have to kill you, or someone has to do it for me and the Slenderman kills me for being useless to him and not following orders. This mission,right now, is all I want to do besides you."

"Whoa Toby, if you want me ask me to dinner first." (Y/n) scoffed as Toby smiled and shook his head.

"How about I turn you into diner?" Toby smirked.

The both of them knew they want each other, but they couldn't do it due to the fact of how they couldn't and the both of them were killers, all of this shouldn't even matter. All of this 'Slenderman' and 'Operator' stuff is really getting to their heads. Toby was chosen to kill for him while (y/n) just joined in thinking of family. How are the both of them going to be together?

After the whole altercation Between Toby and (y/n). (Y/n) didn't act the same way again. She was more alert, more on her toes. It's almost Paranoid. Hearing that everyone in the house wants her dead made her realize that maybe being in this house is not good for her. Where is she going to go to now? She can't go home, this is her new home. Her old one was burnt down, and both parents are dead. She can't keep her guard down. She had her hair cut shorter that it was before and her weapon always at her side. She never knows when it's time to fight for her life.

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