I was hating this demon more and more. First Rin... Now Kina. No. I can't let what happened with Rin happen to her too. I can't.

"Let her go Ryokō." I glared, "why are you doing this?"

Ryokō stared at me in Kina's cat form for a while. Then he finally said, "do you think I planned this?" My eyebrows furrowed as he continued, "you want to know something, Ayana? I'm the time traveling demon. I follow the flow of time. Nothing more. All that's happened is because of fate. Fate has chosen a dark path for you and your friends. I'm just enforcing it. Not that I'm complaining though. Your uncle annoys the shit out of me."

I was silent for a moment. Taking in those words. Fate? This all happened because of fate? That's just messed up,"but..." I muttered, "You made the decision to do all those things. That wasn't fate... That was your decision."

"I make my decisions according to fate. It keeps time in balance."

"So you possessing my friends is all just 'fate'?"


"That's not a good excuse at all!"

"'Excuse'? Excuse for what exactly?"

"Rin! You hurt him! I know you did! You did not do that because it was freaking fate!"

"But I did." Ryokō was not at all fazed by my words, "Fate can be a harsh thing, kid. I'm just doing my job and keeping it balanced... And plus..." He got up on all fours, walked onto my pillow and sat down, before he continued, "You and Rin Okumura's decisions most likely will determine your future more than mine."

Confusion welled up within me, "... What do you mean?"

The corner of the cats mouth lifted. It wasn't exactly a smirk. But it wasn't a genuine smile either, "dear Ayana. Do you not recall a certain day when a certain something happened?"



"There are a lot of certain days where certain somethings happen... You know that right?"

"I do. But c'mon. You gotta remember that day."

"... I don't even know what you're talking about."

"Hmm... Fair enough. But I'll give you a little warning." He got up and walked a little closer, "you could be the end of the Satan spawns. It all depends on your decisions and what fate has upon you..." The red eyed cat was now directly in front of me as I looked down at him, "the closer you are. The more it will hurt. I will be back when time brings me here... Until then... I advise you to leave him be. But that's all up to you so..." Black smoke engulfed Kina's body, who fell unconscious. Then above her floated Ryokō again, "I'll see you then, Ayana"

At that, a small stone dropped onto the bed as a bright light engulfed him. In which Ryokō finally left along with the stone.

I remained there for a while. Staring at the now empty air. I took in everything that just happened. Then sighed. That demon makes me even more confused by the day. I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me. Fate. A certain event. The end of the Satan spawns. Rin? Yukio? Was he talking about them? How could I be the end of them?... are they going to... die?

I rapidly shook my head.

I need some air.

I checked to make sure Kina was alright. She seemed to just be asleep. So I got off the bed and opened the door, letting it make a small creaking sound. I then walked down the hallway. I sheathed my sword and felt the familiar weight of it against my hip. I could only hear the sound of my feet tapping on the wooden floor.

Demons Together (A Blue Exorcist Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now