15:I'm Sorry and Thank You

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Everyone was wondering what Rin was going to do. His back was facing the group as he had a small smile on his face.

He lifted his hands up so they were hovering either sides of his cheeks. Then he inhaled a huge amount of air and yelled as loud as he could


It was so loud that everyone had to cover their ears and the ground slightly vibrated.

"Hehehe~" Rin proudly stood with his hands on his hips and looked out in the distance.

For a few minutes everyone stood there with "What the f***?!" Faces.

Nothing was happening so Yukio said to Rin

"R-Rin! Did you really think that would work?!"

Rin was squinting his eyes to the distance, trying to see if he could see Ayana. Then he stopped and turned around to the group and blushed as he sheepishly laughed and rubbed the back of his head saying

"Hehe it was worth a try?"

Everyone sighed and turned around. Bon murmured

"What an idiot."

"You called me?"

Everyone froze as they heard a familiar voice above them. They slowly looked to the right then up a tree, seeing...


Everyone was silent. Then everyone except for Rin yelled "EHHHH?!"

Rin on the other hand was really happy and quite proud of himself. Then he said as he fist bumped the air "Awesome! It actually worked!"

"H-how?" Miwa murmured. Ayana heard this, then replied

"Well. I actually wasn't that far from here" she looked to her right looking through the forest and continued "and I heard Rin calling me, so... Here I am!" Ayana smiled to the group.

"So who called me an idiot?" Rin smirked at Bon

And all you could hear from Bon was "tsk"

"So why did you call me, Rin?" Ayana asked as she jumped down and landed beside him.

"Oh right!" Rin pointed to his group of friends and said "they trust you now!"

Ayana was silent as she looked at the group wide eyed. Then she looked at Rin and said "really?"

He replied saying "yes really!"


Everyone looked at Bon as he slowly walked towards Rin and Ayana with his cheeks slightly tinted pink. He stopped when he was in front of Ayana.

"L-look umm... I just wanted to... thank you... For saving my life back there..." Bon said this as he looked to the ground. His face completely red.

"Well he tends to need a bunch of people to save his life so~" Rin exclaimed as he slung his arm around Bon's shoulder.

"HUH?! No I don't! I probably saved your ass loads of times y'know!" Bon protested as he moved Rin's arm away.

"Huh?! I don't need saving! Unlike you! I saved your ass so many times!"



The two just kept on bickering as everyone sighed and sweat dropped. Since this has gotten so normal.

But not for Ayana. Well. She just gazed at the two in awe as they kept on arguing. But she was more amazed since they were arguing about who saved the other more.

Demons Together (A Blue Exorcist Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant