02: Newcomer

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02: Newcomer

Class started with a new student introducing himself.

"I'm Harry. And I like sports." The newcomer announced, before walking down the rows of seats and plopping down onto an empty one next to the girl.

She was surprised to see the strange boy, who wouldn't stop pestering her, from yesterday. The boy tilted his head to the left, observing the girl. She felt bothered, and was quite fidgety to know that Harry had been staring at her for about an hour, which was pretty much the entire session. She was satisfied and relieved when the bell finally rang, signalling that students were to report to their next class. For her, it was Geometry.

Unfortunately for Clara, Harry coincidentally had the same session as her. She trudged in miserably, plopping down on the nearest seat, and Harry took the seat beside her. The lady fidgeted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable that the stranger had to take the seat next to her considering there were a few chairs scattered around the room.

"Good morning, class," Ms. Morgan strolled in in her usual attire which consisted of a knee length gray pencil skirt, a turquoise blouse with ruffles aligning from the neck of the garment to just above her stomach in a V formation. Her hands gripped a large Etsy handbag which held dozens of papers. She pulled out a stack of white sheets filled with black print before setting her handbag on the ground beside her chair.

Ms. Morgan stood up firmly, and then proceeded to walk around the classroom distributing a worksheet. After Clara had received the assignment, she scribbled down her heading and began working on it.

Clara sighed as she deposited her pen down on her table and reviewed through her paper. Her neatly-written calligraphy was scrawled elegantly along the sheet revealing her answers to the math problems she had solved. Satisfied with all her answers, she handed the assignment up to Ms. Morgan.

Harry glanced at her, beckoning her for help on the work as he didn't quite understand. Clara sighed and leaned in closer, observing what he had done so far. She whispered various numbers to him, which he wrote down.

A few minutes later, he was turning in the worksheet to the teacher and thanking Clara for her help.

The bell sounded and everyone rushed out the class. Clara followed along after the countless number of pupils trailing to the school's cafeteria. She had managed to snag a ham and cheese sandwich and a bottle of Coca Cola. She paid for the items and trudged her way towards the lunch table she usually ate on.

"Hey," Justice greeted. Clara smiled in response instead of uttering something, and seated herself across from Jus.

She took a bite of her sandwich, the freshly baked yeast bread softening in her mouth because of the moisture and the contents in the sandwich pouring out a delicious taste that left a lingering desire for more of the food. Clara sipped at her Coke slowly, biting the tip of the straw to prevent a rush of soda. She had always had a strange habit of doing that, which was probably why every time she finished consuming a beverage, the straw was always flattened out.

"Why so quiet today, Clara? Something wrong?" Justice asked, a mask of worry already evident on her face.

"No. Nothing's wrong."

"Tell me please!" Justice whined, not giving up so easily.

Clara sighed, "It's just this Harry boy. Please let it go now, Justine. It's nothing, okay?"

"There's a guy involved in this?" Her best friend half-whispered half-shouted. Clara rolled her eyes.


"But you mentioned Ha-"

"I know what I said," Clara snapped in an annoyed demeanor, "He's interfering when he's not supposed to be. I don't want to play these stupid love games anymore."

By now, Justice had kept her mouth shut, not wanting to get snapped at again by her over-dramatic companion. The bell rang after a few moments of awkward silence, and the students scurried to dump their leftovers and exiting the cafeteria to go to their next class.

Justice got up immediately, a complete different facade masked her cheery and happy mood she had before.

"Justice..." Clara sighed. Justice turned around to face her. "I'm sorry for acting that way before... I didn't mean to be so snappish earlier."

"It's okay. See you later?" Justice replied quietly. Clara nodded. Justice flashed her a tiny smile before sauntering away with the rest of the people.


Dedicated to @KoreanKittyKait [Kait] because she's a wonderful friend. Stay amazing! :D


Sorry for the short chapters! I find it easier to write short chapters, than writing long chapters. I don't know why, it's probably my writing style I guess. But it might get a bit longer as the story progresses. Well, hope you liked this even though it seems a bit cliche with the new student part. But hey, cliches are sometimes a good thing, right?

P.S, I don't know when the updates are. They kind of just pop up randomly, I'm sorry, I don't have an updating schedule. Plus, I haven't been able to write much lately, because of school and other interruptions. Please bear with me. Thank you.

ALSO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAYN! He's turning 21 now, omg. Well he's still 20 here so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts! Ah, next month none of the boys will be teens anymore :(( *sigh* They ggrow up so fast.

Happy reading,


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