Chapter 9

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It was morning and it stopped raining last night. It hardly rains here in the desert. I was heading to school with my cousin we always talked while walking and putting our backpacks where our classrooms where at. A random girl came up to us "are you guys sisters?" "No" i said with an awkward face "oh you guys look alike" she said "not really but okay haha" I said my cousin she was shy and didn't really talk in her class. We where in our numbers and about to go to the field to run our lap this time I made sure my shoes where tightly tied I triple tied them instead of double tie but I needed to make sure I beat him. "Ready to lose?" I asked jace he was next to me "are you?" He asked me "you're the loser here" I said with a devilish face "Go" yelled the teacher and we headed off he was in the lead but I caught up luckily my shoe didn't untie this time I was almost done and he caught up so then I started running faster and just by a tiny bit I won him.
"BAM IN YOUR FACE YOU LOSER!" I yelled  I was tired  and so was he "beat you to the water fountain" I said smirking "challenge accepted he said" we slowly ran because we where exhausted from running and still I beat him. I drank water while he waited I was thinking to pretend to drink water until the teacher told us to go in but that would of been plain cruel so I let him drink water after I was finished. "It weird that you're tall and you couldn't beat me" "yeah I didn't know such a shortie like you could beat me" "IM NOT SHORT YOU'RE JUST TALL" "haha whatever shorty" "let's just go"
And from that day on jace an I started competing and hanging out together.

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